Chapter 26

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Momo's POV:

I would be lying if i said that i wasn't mad at the idea of leaving Izuku have a talk with the person that was responsible for how bad his life was. I hate the idea, but honestly this is one of the many more steps he has to take. Im just... nervous, last time this two had a "talk" it didn't end well at all, i trust him so i hope that doesn't get a repeat.


Jiro: Ok, im done with this shit, what's wrong?

Momo: It's... nothing.

Jiro: Bullshit, you are a rich girl and smart but you never learned how to lie apparently.

Momo: I-im offended.

Jiro: Good, now please do tell me what the hell is wrong.

Ugh she's right, i can't lie to save my own life so it's practically useless to try to even lie to her.

Jiro: Tick tock Yaomomo.

Momo: Ugh fine i will tell you. Im just nervous ok?

Jiro: About the whole Midoriya and Bakugo thing from earlier?

Momo: Yes. Im not going to reveal most of the details since it's a private matter but im just worried that Bakugo might be a trigger.

Jiro:*raises eyebrow* Trigger? Trigger for what?

Momo: Izuku... im just worried that whatever that blonde asshole says might bring back stuff from the past and i also don't want a repeat of last time.

Jiro: I see, you have nothing to worry about Yaomomo im sure it will be fine. Besides it's Midoriya, we both know he can conttol himself when he needs to *thumbs up*

Ok... maybe i am worrying about it too much, but come on, you have a boyfriend who had a really bad childhood that turned him suicidal and now all of a sudden the guy responsible for all of that wants to talk... alone.

Like, i have no way of knowing what the hell they will talk about, ugh... anyway call me overprotective or whatever but if this somehow hurts Izuku i swear on everything that Bakugo will not wake up the next day.

Jiro: Yaomomo you have a face as if you want to murder somebody, i don't want to be killed yet so please.

Momo: Oh... sorry i was just deep in my thoughts.

Jiro: I will not ask. Oh hey what's up Midoriya?

Izuku: Jiro *looks at momo* you ok?

Momo: Hm? oh yes sure totally.

Izuku: Is this about earlier? Mo, it's fine don't worry about it ok?

Momo:*pouts* Ok.

Izuku:*kisses her* You worry too much.

Jiro: Ew, get a fucking room assholes.

Momo: Kyoka shut it, it's not my fault you are single.

Jiro: Oh wow, you just did that.

Momo:*winks* Love you.

Jiro: Fuck you.

Well that was something, i do worry too much so as a good girlfriend i will trust him on this one.

No one's POV:

It's the end of classes now and just like they would, both Bakugo and Izuku are meeting after classes outside of the dorms.

Bakugo is currently standing behind the dorms waiting for Izuku to arrive. If he is being honest he would understand if Izuku ends up being a no show, he gets it, and that's exactly why he's so focused on trying to change and become a better person.

Bakugo:*sigh* He's not gonna show up. I get it, i would do the same thing if i was him but-

His train of thought gets interrupted by the sound of footsteps, it sounds like multiple people are coming his way. Two figures walk to the back of the building, those two being our favorite couple of Izuku and Momo.

Momo: You sure you got this?

Izuku: Yes, i am ready. Sometimes you have to go face to face with your past so it can stop holding you down.

Momo:*smiles* Then i guess all i will do is trust you. Now i beg you not to do anything stupid like the last time you two went to have a "talk".

Izuku: Relax, i will be fine, besides, if all this comes to fighting i will definetly win this time.

Momo:*giggles* Sure you will. Anyway, i will leave you two alone so you can have your talk.

She kisses him in the lips and walks away leaving the two former childhood best friends alone. The tension can be felt in the air, the both of them are just staring at eachother none of them have and probably won't say a single word yet.

A. Izuku: Are you going to keep staring at eachother or are you finally going to hear what he wants to say?

Izuku:*sighs* So... here i am, just as i promised. What is it that you want to talk about Bakugo?

No Kacchan... yeah he will admit that it still feels weird and it hurts him that from Izuku's mouth.

Bakugo: I uhhh... Izuku, i know you don't really want to do anything with me right now and that is... understandable.

Izuku: It is. But still, i don't know what are you trying to say right now.

Bakugo: I was getting to that. *sigh* I was-well scratch that, I HAVE been an asshole all this time. I have been an asshole to everyone, to my mom and specially you.

Izuku: You are correct about that.

Bakugo: But the thing is that i'm trying my best to become a better person right now, i really am, it's not going to be an easy journey but i will do it. I'm telling you this because you are the reason im trying to change, i read what you wrote in that diary and i realized how much of an asshole i have been most of my life so i want to change that.

Banjo: Well... it's too late for that.

A. Izuku: It's never too late to do the right thing.

Izuku:*sigh* Listen... i appreciate the fact that you are actually trying to change for the better, but, this doesn't mean we will be at peace and become friends again instantly, there's one part inside of me that still hasn't forgiven you for all you did to me back then. So, when i see that you have actually changed then maybe i will forgive you and we can be at peace, but only if you actually changed, do we have a deal? *extends hand*

Bakugo: Yeah, we have a deal.

The both of them shake hands and Izuku starts walking away back to the dorms but he stops and then looks back at Bakugo.

Izuku: If you're wondering where to start, i really think your mom is the best option. Trust me, i would know that.

Bakugo nods and Izuku turns back around and goes back around and goes back inside the dorms leaving Bakugo to his thoughts. Bakugo decides to follow Izuku's advice and the first thing he's going to do is pay his mom a visit.

Chapter done

So it's been a while i know but i finally updated this. A little shorter than the others but meh i tried.

The funny part about this is that i had the talk between Izuku and Bakugo written since around july i think. I wrote it while i was at the army basic training and i will say it turned out fine.

I will try to bring another update to this as soon as i can since i want to finish this fucking story already lol, anyway with that said...


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