Chapter 25

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No one's POV:


Izuku: Hatsume!!

Mei: Ahhh!! What the heck?! Oh, it's you.

Izuku: I have a request for you.

Mei: Finally!! What upgrades do you want for your suit now? I have materials for everything!!

Izuku: Even for fireproof clothing?

Mei: I think so.

Izuku: Cool, can you make my suit fireproof?

Mei: Sure can!! But why?

Izuku: Because i can light myself on fire now.

Mei: Since when?!

Izuku: Since today. I tried it earlier and... well, lets just say my clothes ceased to exist.

Mei: Huh. I can make your suit fireproof but it will take some time.

Izuku: I thought you said time was a construct.

Mei: It is!! So im going to make this as soon as possible. Now get out a professional has to work.

Izuku: Professionals don't blow stuff up.

Mei: Yes they do!!

Izuku: Whatever you say hatsume.

He closes the door behind him and sighs. That girl may have a few screws loose in that head but she's a good inventor. Izuku trusts her to make him that new fireproof suit, although he worries about her because of that huge lack of sleep. And she's technically his personal inventor, she's lucius fox and he's bruce wayne in a way.


Momo: Where did you go izuku?

Izuku: I was with hatsume, i asked her to make me a fireproof suit so i don't go naked if i light myself on fire again.

Momo:*mumbles*Well i certainly wouldn't mind.

Izuku: What did you say?

Momo: Nothing.

Izuku is putting his school blazer on and momo looks at him.

Momo: Izuku.

Izuku: Hm?

Momo: Have you... talked to your mother? You know, since that day.

Izuku: I-i haven't talked to her, i was actually giving her some days to process everything. But i guess she's not ready to talk since she hasn't called me.

Momo: I mean, it's understandable. Her son comes to her home and literally tells her that he was bullied and almost killed himself because of him being quirkless. It's not an easy thing to cope.

Izuku: You know, i think of that day and i go straight back to my middle school days. Those demons come back and try to take over. It's funny, because i have decided im not going to fight those demons.

Momo: What?

Izuku:*looks at her*We never lose our demons, Momo. We only learn to live above them. I decided that i wanted to accomodate those demons rather than fight them and get rid of them completely. In the end, those demons along with our best are the things that make us who we are.

He smiles at her and she jus sighs. She will admit it, when izuku said he wasn't going to fight and get rid of those demons she got really scared. It's understandable really, the guy she's with was suicidal and probably still is, so hearing that will definitely worry her. Now, she trusts him, so if he said that he was going to "accomodate" those demons then so be it.

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