Chapter 16

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UwU what's this? a new chapter you say? Well i'm in a good mood today since it's my birthday so let's go ahead with the chapter

No one's POV:

Izuku:W-what? Who are you?

A.Izuku(this means adult izuku):I'm you and you're me

Izuku:But how is this possible?

A.Izuku:Well that's easy to inside you


A.Izuku:Wait that came out wrong umm im inside your mind

Izuku:Like the past ofa users

A.Izuku:Yeah something like that but im kind of responsible for the new power you have

Izuku opens his mouth to say something but the adult version puts a fingers in his mouth

A.Izuku:Shhh now i know you have a lot of questions right now and i will give you your answers but first lets go to a better looking place

He snaps his fingers thanos style and the void changes to more colorful place

He snaps his fingers thanos style and the void changes to more colorful place

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A.izuku:Much better

Izuku:What is this place?

A.Izuku:Honestly i don't really have a name for this place i just created it and that's it

Izuku:I see

They kept walking and at one point they saw the ofa users chilling in a beach while nana waves and winks at izuku who blushes and turns red his adult version saw this and laughed,then they reached a mountain with a cabin on top

A.Izuku:This is the place lets go inside

They go inside and sit in the living room and izuku stares at the other him waiting for answers

A.Izuku:Stop looking at me like that

Izuku:I want answers now

A.Izuku:You're so impatient*sigh*alright lets get this over with.My name's izuku midoriya well you but you may ask yourself why do i look's simple really i'm from a different timeline and you are my reincarnation


A.Izuku:I know it sounds weird but it's the truth for what i know my timeline was the original one and this one was created when i died and that bastard showed up in this new timeline which i don't know how he did it but he did

Izuku:Who are you talking about?

A.izuku:Someone you will have to face in the future buddy,anyway this original timiline is what i like to call the author's original draft

Izuku:The what now?

A.izuku:Doesn't matter but what does matter is that you have unlocked your power

Izuku:Yeah about that can you explain me what is it exactly?

A.Izuku:I will try to explain this as simple as possible back in my timeline i unlocked the same power when bakugo was insulting me and i remembered my past when i used that power i ended up unconscious but in my own mindscape somebody approached me and that was the reason of my power,only to find out that i had the powers of a phoenix and since i died he died with me but got reincarnated which brings me to you

Izuku:So you're telling me that i have a bird inside me that gave me powers and probably makes me immortal

A.Izuku:Yep that's right except for the last part since you're not really immortal

Izuku:So i have been nerfed

A.izuku:You do have healing tho

Izuku:Oh hey when i saw you there was someone else beside you was that...the phoenix?

A.izuku:Yes it was but he said he didn't want to reveal himself now since it wasn't a good time whatever that meant was your timeline?

A.Izuku:Ah well UA wasn't really a highschool it was an university back then i went through a lot i married momo,had kids and i was the number one hero but all good things must come to an end and that's what happened to me i died and here i am now talking to a younger version of myself who would have thought*chuckles*oh right i almost to tell you this,from now on you will train your new power here with me you can also train one for all if you want this will atleast make you train less in the real world and spend more time with momo and the others and trust me when i tell you this but you need it like a vacation you know

Izuku:*chuckles*Yeah i think you're right momo and i haven't exactly had time for ourselves since we became a couple*he then remembers what happened to her and how he almost killed shigaraki because of it*thanks

A.Izuku:For what exactly?

Izuku:For stopping from killing shigaraki it's just i was blinded by my rage and i didn't know what i was doing at the time

A.Izuku:*bonks him in the head*Hey no worries i know what it feels like i almost did the same thing  at one point in time good thing i had momo there to bring me back to my senses*chuckles*

Izuku:*chuckles*You know i-*starts disappearing*w-what's happening?!

A.Izuku:Hey hey calm down buddy you're just waking up everything is alright it's not like someone snapped his fingers and now you turn to dust while you say "i don't want to go mr.stark"



Izuku:How do i come back here again?

A.Izuku:Just sleep and think of this place and that's it


A.Izuku:Just leave already you stupid idiot *laughing*

As izuku disappears adult izuku's expression changes to a sad one he sighs and sits down while another figure appears behind him

???:So you didn't tell him about his father

A.Izuku:Nah let him the surprise besides it's not like he's that izuku's dad it's mine

???:But still you two are the same person

A.Izuku:I guess you're right but doesn't matter now

Outside of the mindscape izuku can be seen opening his eyes he gets up and groans and he starts looking around

Izuku:Yep this is definetly a hospital hello again hospital bed-chan

(Fun fact there's actually a izuku x hospital bed fanfic xd)

???:Ah you're awake


???:How are you doing son?

Izuku:*eyes widen in shock*D-dad?

And chapter done wow two updates for the same story on the same week it's been a while since i have done that anyway like i promised tuesday here's the new chapter and im in a good mood so that's good i guess anyway with that out of the way


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