Chapter 2

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No One's POV:

It's a sunday morning and the sun is shining like it always does,but enough about that let's turn our focus to a office where we can see two people standing.One is a green haired hero in training and the a blonde man that almost looks like a skeleton this man is known as Toshinori Yagi the former #1 hero All Might,we can see the two of them talking about something

AM:So...what did you want to talk about young midoriya?'s about ofa

AM:Oh?is something wrong with it?

Izuku:No it's well i actually managed to control 20% of it

AM:*Shocked*What?!...that's amazing progress young midoriya

Izuku:Yeah i guess training everyday to the point of exhaustion does have it perks*chuckles*

AM:I heard about that,you shouldn't overwork yourself that much young midoriya*sigh*,now i'm not saying you should stop training it's just-

Izuku:Don't worry all might i'm not stopping,i'm just...gonna slow down a little

AM:Oh that's great,you had a lot of people worried,recovery girl was waiting to see you in her office*chuckles*

Izuku:He he i guess i can say that that's my home and i can of miss the bed in there.Besides izuku x hospital bed is best ship

Author:Oi! No breaking the fourth wall

Izuku:Alright sorry sorry

AM:Ha ha,enough about that so you said you reached 20% of ofa?

Izuku:Yes,but my body aches if i use it for too long so i keep it at 18%


Izuku:Also there's one more thing

AM:What is it?

Izuku:Last night i had a weird dream,but it didn't feel like it

AM:What do you mean?

Izuku:It felt more like a vision than a dream.I saw myself and i was fighting someone(A/N:Foreshadow to a future episode)


Izuku:I couldn't see it was blurry i saw my hands shining but i started to dissapear and i woke up.Do you think it has something to do with ofa?

AM:I couldn't say since nothing like that happened to me while i had ofa,but it's probably nothing to big you shouldn't worry about it

Izuku:Yeah you're right.It felt so real,is this really ofa or is it something else?but all might is right i shouldn't worry too much about it

AM:*checks phone*Shit i forgot,well young midoriya it was nice talking to you but i have to go now

Izuku:What?,but it's still early

AM:Wel i have some business to attend to and also i have to meet a friend*sweating*

Izuku:Oh ok then goodbye all might

AM:Yeah goodbye young midoriya.I can't tell him i have a date with his mother today

As all might left izuku got off the couch and started heading back to the dorms.When he reached the dorms he was met by...silence complete and utter silence

Izuku:This is weird it's never this quiet

???:They left

Izuku:Ahhh! What the hell?!

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