Chapter 27

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No one's POV:

It's been hours after Izuku and Bakugo's talk, now he's just in his bed all cuddled up with Momo while they watch a romance movie.

Momo: This is.... boring.

Izuku: You were the one that picked it.

Momo: I know but i thought it was going to be good atleast.

Izuku: I told you to pick "Anyone but you".

Momo: I should have, but you just want to see Sydney Sweeney.

Izuku: And?

Momo: Fair.

Izuku: There's big reasons i want to see it.

Momo growls and bites his hand.

Izuku: Ow.

Momo: *pouts* Hmph, you just want to stare at her breasts.

Izuku: I was kidding Mo.

She elbows him in the ribs and he grunts in pain.

Momo: Idiot *snuggles closer to him and mumbles* my breasts are enough.

Izuku: *gasps* You pervert.

Momo: You quiet.

He shuts up and keeps watching the movie that Momo picked, she then looks up at him and pokes his cheek.

Izuku: Yes honey?

Momo: *blushes* Don't do that, anyway, i wanted to ask... what did you and Bakugo talk about. If i can know of course.

Izuku: Clearly neither of us qant to watch the rest of this movie so i will tell you about it.

Momo: Alright.

Izuku: So to make it a bit short, he basically talked about the past, all that stuff back at middle school and-

Momo: Did he ask for forgiveness?

Izuku: No, and let me finish please.

Momo: Ok sorry.

Izuku: He basically apologized for it that he feels terrible for everything i was put through because of him and that he doesn't expect me to forgive him anytime.

Momo: Atleast he knows.

Izuku: He also said that he has taken it upon himself to make a change, he's working on becoming a better person because of me. I am the reason he wants to change for the better.

Momo: Huh.

Izuku: Yeah i know. All of this happened because he read my diary i guess not burning it was actually a good thing.

Momo: You were going to burn it?

Izuku: Yeah, i thought about it a long time ago, i thought that it was dumb to write all that when i had moved on and no one would care. Turns out i actually never moved on and people did care *kisses her head*

Momo: Hey it's not like i will be the only one that cares, everyone else also would if they knew about it. Life wasn't good to you i know, but you laughed in it's face and look at you now, you have a quirk, you are in UA, you have lots of friends and you have me, who loves you very much my dear.

Izuku: Was your Momo this level of cute?

A. Izuku: She was the double of this.

Izuku: Oh god.

Momo: Honey?

Izuku: Huh? Oh sorry i was... talking in my mind.

Momo: Conversations with the users?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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