Chapter 15

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No one's POV:

Shigaraki:It's this the power he told me about?

Izuku:Momo get out of here




She leaves and izuku keeps staring at shigaraki while shigaraki just smirks at him

Izuku:It's just you and me now tomura

Shigaraki chuckles and takes off his gloves he then crouches and touches the floor and spikes start to come out izuku's eyes widen but dodges the spikes right on time

Izuku:What the hell?

Shigaraki:Surprised? I made a deal with a old pal,you probably know him he's name is kai chisaki

Izuku:Shit how does he have overhaul?

(He doesn't know shigaraki has afo)

Shigaraki:Let get this party started

He touches the floor again and spikes start heading towards izuku who's doing he's best to dodge them

Shigaraki:You can't dodge forever midoriya

He sends a larger spike that izuku manages to destroy with a kick but shigaraki uses that to his advantage and activates air cannon and sends a shockwave of air that launches izuku back but he uses fire in his fingers to stay in the air

Shigaraki:Get down here!!!

Sends even more spikes that izuku easily dodges in the air he reaches tomura and kicks him in the jaw which launches him far away and crashes in a car,izuku lands but then he hears a voice



He doesn't notice that shigaraki got up and was going towards him

Izuku:That voice again it's been a while since i have heard it



He snaps out of it and sidesteps just in time before shigaraki could touch him

Shigaraki:Tch let me touch you!!!

Izuku:That sounded wrong


Shigaraki:I will take ofa from you

Izuku:Over my dead body

Shigaraki:So be it

He opens his hand towards izuku and shoots lasers out of his fingers and izuku jumps out of the way

Izuku:He has lasers now?!!

Shigaraki:Stay still*shoots more lasers and blows up some cars*

With momo:

She was helping some pro heroes and classmates in evacuating the civilians

Random pro hero:Alright i think that's the last group of people*looks at momo* thanks for the help kid

Momo:*nods and goes to give medical attention to some civilians*


Momo:Aizawa sensei are you alright?

Aizawa:Don't worry about me*looks around*where's midoriya?

Momo looks down and stays quiet and aizawa noticed and asked

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