Chapter 21

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No one's POV:

At the same time in between the last two chapters

Bakugo was in his room sitting in his bed thinking about what momo told him earlier one part of him doesn't believe her and the other one does but still has doubts of course he will only know if he reads that notebook

Bakugo:Tch screw it

He gets up and grabs the notebook from the table and starts reading it

(He reads the same things momo did so im going to skip that and if you don't remember then go back to chapter 13 and get all the context now let's continue)

Bakugo was...shocked,the fact that the stupid nerd the damn deku as he liked to call him that was born quirkless would even think about following the advice he gave him bakugo at that time didn't mean it well so he says but yet he almost made someone kill himself but it wasn't just a someone it was his best friend his brother from another mother the same brother he betrayed because of his own stupid ego

Bakugo would not admit it but a really tiny part of him still cared for izuku it really doesn't show up but it's there he's just too much of an egocentric bastard to let it out,another thing that shocked him was the fact that everyone considered him a villain for his quirk makes him think if his current classmates see him the same way or everyone in ua for that matter after all that thinking he goes to another page where he sees a picture of him and izuku when they were kids and on it the word "Remember" was written,he sees that under it were some other things written

If you ever get this which im pretty sure you will i just wanted to leave this here for you to remember the good old days when we used to spent time together when we were kids back when we were friends if you ever considered me one that is

(Why the fuck is this starting to look like a bakudeku story all of a sudden😑)

If im gone i want you to look at this picture and remember what you did,who you hurt i want you to remember that it was your doing that the only person that was always by your side,defended you when people said something bad about you the only person that believed in you the most besides your parents is gone forever

Speaking of his parents he always treated them like shit while they did nothing wrong to deserve it now he sees it his ego hasn't only affected izuku but also his family he needs to change or the world will put him aside like he did with izuku he now sees it clear or does he well he's the only one that knows what to do next

He gets up and leaves his room he was going to the common room to find a certain someone to talk to but he doesn't know this person left on his way there he meets with jiro who was on her phone

Bakugo:Hey earlobes!!

Jiro:Yeah? What do you want bakugo?

Bakugo:Is deku around?

Jiro:No midoriya left with yaomomo somewhere they still haven't comeback...why?

Bakugo:Nothing i just wanted to talk but...thanks for telling me...jiro

He walks right past her and goes outside while jiro stays there with wide eyes and starts to think if she's crazy

Jiro:Am i on drugs? No of course not i would know if i was but did he just...called me jiro? I must be going insane

Bakugo really thought looking for izuku and just apologize to him was going to do it yes that was stupid to think but he doesn't know what the hell he's supposed to do in the situation he's in right now he needs to think about things for a bit and that's exactly what he's going to be doing right now


Bakugo was now in a cafe thinking on what to do when he suddenly feels a hand on his shoulder he turns and looks at the person

???:Bakugo? Woah it really is you it's been a long time


???:Right of course you don't remember me i'm Tsubasa or like you used to call me 'wings'

Tsubasa was one of bakugo's so called goons he was always with him and helped him bully izuku everytime of course bakugo doesn't remember him because he only cared for himself


Tsubasa:I what brings you here?

Bakugo:I came to think a little

Tsubasa:Huh that's new you usually would scream something like "why do you care you stupid extra" what happened?

Bakugo:Do you remember what we used to do in middle school?

Tsubasa:*gets serious*Yes those were some dark times we used to bully midiroya everyday and now look at him he made it to ua and has a quirk while most of us are in some shitty school studying something we don't even want,if that ain't karma i don't know what it is


Tsubasa:Are you still treating midoriya like shit no what i really mean is are you still treating everyone like shit

Bakugo:That's what im trying to change

Tsubasa:Heh change? Is this the same katsuki bakugo i used to follow around like a dog or are you just an impostor? What the hell happened to you man?

Bakugo:Something showed me that i have to change and i plan to do that

Tsubasa:Hmm you're maturing it happens to a lot of us,when we finished middle school i realized all the bad things i had done...i hurt people not only midoriya i was really dumb and an asshole but those times are over for me i have been owning up for my mistakes in the past and that's what you need to do as well

Bakugo:But how?

Tsubasa:If this is about midoriya then a simple i'm sorry will not do for all those years he suffered at our hands

Of course it wouldn't be that simple he knew that but it's the first thing that came to his mind he wanted to apologize to izuku but would izuku accept it probably not he must mean it but he still doesn't know where to start

Tsubasa:*sigh*Listen i know this is all new to you but i will say this you are the only one that can decide what to do in this situation then the rest is up for destiny to decide*checks the time*welp my break time is over i have to go it was good seeing you*starts leaving*


Tsubasa:*looks at him*

Bakugo:Thank you...for the advice

Tsubasa:Your welcome and goodluck bye now

Bakugo stays a little bit more and then leaves he decides to walk back to ua thanks to tsubasa he now knows what he will do the thing now is to wait and see what it is,from this moment forward is where bakugos redemption begins

Aaaand chapter done

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