Chapter 24

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No one's POV:

Izuku: Ahhhh!!

Izuku just crashed to a wall thanks to a fireball.

Izuku: Ow. Can you tell the other you to go easy on me?

A.Izuku:*eating nachos*Sorry man, but i don't think i can do that.

Izuku: You're enjoying this aren't you?

A.Izuku: Maybe.

Clone: Dodge!!

Izuku barely dodges another fireball thrown by the adult izuku's clone.

Izuku: Do you want to kill me?!

A.Izuku: Dude, stop complaining you can't die in your own mindscape...i think.

Izuku: That doesn't help.

He gets hit in the face with another fireball.

Izuku: Ok that's it!!*fists engulf in fire*Come here!!

Izuku runs and starts attacking the clone.

Banjo: Yeah!! Punch it in the face kid!! Burn him!! Hahaha!!

Nana: Hit him with the chair!! With the chair!!


A bird lands beside Adult izuku and looks at him.

Bird: What is he doing?

A.Izuku: Training.

Bird: This isn't training.

A.Izuku: Will you relax? We're taking this slowly we still have time.

Bird: Taking this slowly? Mayhem is out there preparing his army while we are here wasting time. Has he learned anything?

A.Izuku: Just a few stuff.

Bird: A few stuff.

The bird scoffs and suddenly grows legs and starts walking away.

A.Izuku: Woah, you have a human form Phoenix.

Phoenix: I can take any form i want, this is a mindscape afterall.

A.Izuku: Cool.

Phoenix: I asked you to train him with his new power so he could be like you. On the same level as you.

A.Izuku: That's the thing.

Phoenix: Hm?

A.Izuku: I don't want him to be like me. I want him to be better than me. I died, remember? I wasn't strong enough, I was weak and i wasn't ready so mayhem managed to kill me...well, us. Hell, my entire timeline, universe, dimmension whatever the hell it is got erased after that. I have to train him to be a better version of myself, a version that isn't weak and dies, a version that can atleast save everyone.

Phoenix: I see but you're doing it the wrong way.

A.Izuku: If you're going to question my training methods then train him yourself.

Phoenix: As you wish.

A.Izuku: Wait, where are you going?

Phoenix: You said i should train him myself.

A.Izuku: But not now. You can do it on the next one ok? Let me have this one.

Phoenix: Fine. He should be ready, because i won't go easy on him like you do.

Turns into a bird again and flies away.

A.Izuku: I can't believe he insulted me and then left like that.

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