Chapter 8

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No one's POV:

We can see momo getting out of her room but before she goes any further someone talks to her

???:Had fun at the festival yesterday yaomomo?

Momo:Yes i did kyoka we played a lot of games we ate and then we saw the fireworks

Jirou:I bet the thing you enjoyed the most was kissing midoriya

Momo:*eyes widen*W-what a-are y-you talking about?

Jirou:You can't hide it from me yaomomo

Momo:How do you know?

Jirou:Hmm a friend told me

Momo:Which friend?

Jirou:Jake from statefarm


Jirou:*sigh*Ok i will tell you


Tsuyu:Can we get something to eat i'm kinda hungry*kero*

Uraraka:Yeah me too

Mina:Fiiine let's get something to eat

Jirou:*looks towards the crowd and sees izuku and momo*Hmm.Where are you two going?

She splits from the group and decides to follow them then she sees they stop and sees momo leave

Jirou:What are you doing?*sees that she won an allmight figure and gave it to izuku*huh

She keeps following them until they get on the ferris wheel she decides to go in as well and decides to listen on their conversation

Momo:Izuku i have to tell you something

Izuku:I also have something to say but you go first


Jirou:Wait is she gonna?

She keeps listening and heard their confessions to eachother while she smiles because her bestfriend is happy with someone

Jirou:*smiling*So you finally found the one yaomomo you probably want to keep this a secret,don't worry mina will not know about this*sees fireworks*he for once you didn't ruin a confession fireworks

After that they get off and jirou sees the new couple leaving with hands intertwined and she smiles at the scene

Mina:Jirou there you are where were you? you dissapeared when we went to eat

Jirou:Sorry mina but i wasn't hungry and i also wanted to check something out sorry again

Mina:Don't worry atleast you're ok

Tsuyu:Girls it's time to go it's almost curfew*kero*


Flashback end:

Momo:So you basically stalked us

Jirou:I wouldn't use that word but yeah and i will not tell anyone so don't worry

Momo:I'm glad because we are not ready to announce it

Jirou:*chuckles*Should we head downstairs i'm hungry

Momo:Yeah let's go

As they arrive in the common room they see almost everyone eating breakfast while izuku is cleaning a vacuum cleaner

Kaminari:So midoriya


Kaminari:If you clean the vacuum cleaner wouldn't that make you the vacuum cleaner?

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