Twenty six

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Aeri was still standing at the lobby trying to process everything that just happened and the information about Jin being engaged. She was about to walk out when she heard someone calling her name.

As soon as she turned to look at the person who was calling her, an awkward silence filled the room. Sena walked near her, still trying to fix her skirt. "Sorry about that, it was really unprofessional of us, I a-am s-sorry." Sena stuttered out the last part.

Both of them were not looking at each other, and the awkwardness of the situation was increasing. "It's okay, I just wanted the files that contains the details of the work that I have to do."

Sena looked up and nodded, realising she haven't given ger the work details. "I will bring the file, it's in Namjoon's office, or else, you could just ask him! I gotta go.." she smiled a little "oh and best of luck!" She left.

Aeri sighed and left a text to Namjoon that she is going to go home and rest for the and will be back at office tomorrow. After sending the text, within seconds he texted her back.


Aeri, come to my office, I have the file, you can take it from me.


Okay, I will be there
Seen ✓

Aeri went to Namjoon's office, where he was standing by the window, focusing on something on the file, most probably waiting for her. Aeri knocked the door in order to grab his attention.

Namjoon looked up and adjusted his glasses with his index finger. He gestured Aeri to come inside the office.

"Aeri, these are the papers you have to go through! Just ask Sena anything if find something difficult to understand, okay?" He was in some kind of hurry, so Aeri thought not ask him any question further.

After a long day of witnessing so many things, when Aeri finally came back to home, the first thing she saw her parents panicking about something.

"Mom? Dad? What's happening? Who's here? What's with those bags and extra shoes?" Aeri questioned her parents when he saw some pair of shoes, and two suitcases infront of the shoe rack. One of the pair of shoes she recognised because it was dirty timberland, which was clearly owned by Jungkook.

"Eomma! Jungkook again brought guests? Without my permission? Where is he? Gonna kill him!" Aeri was used to Jungkook bringing his annoying friends often to her house, because most of the times his parents would not allow him to bring friends to his house and Aeri's parents were cool, so he used to party at her room without her permission many times. And that shit pissed off Aeri to another level.

Her mom came near her. "You never told us that you are friends with idols!" Her mom whispered in way that the guests could not listen.

"What he brought his group members to my house? Why? He is an idol now, he literally stays with his group members all the time, then why he brought them here?" She started to whine when her father came up and sushed her.

"Ssshh! They are not his group members, they are the famous singers and one of them is a rapper!" Aeri's eyes widened hearing that.

To be more sure, she asked one more time, "who are they?"

Her mother kind of excitedly answered "one of the popular singer in Korea right now, Jimin, along with your one and only crush, whose posters are all over your wall!"

"WHAT THE FUCK! TAEHYUNG IS IN MY ROOM?!" she cursed and screamed in front of her parents, which was justified, because there are most probably thousands of polaroids, posters and photo cards of Taehyung hanging in her room which he can see, which is also kinda embarrassing for her.

"Shut up! Who gave you the right to cur-"

"Mom not right now!" She threw her bag aside and started running towards the stairs.

"Wait! Who's the rapper then?" After skipping almost three stairs and turned to ask her parents.

"Hoseok, why?" Her father casually answered. For a moment, Aeri went blank, and stood there without even breathing.

Without wasting anymore time she ran towards her room. The door was neither locked nor fully opened. She heard Jungkook's voice and two other voices. Slowly she opened the door.

Taehyung was literally standing there and admiring his own posters, one them was edited by a fan, where he was shirtless, and that was poster he was concentrating on.

Jimin was kind of dying out of laughter by looking at all the posters, while Jungkook was making fun of Taehyung by pointing at the edited shirtless poster.

Aeri felt like evaporating from the face of earth right then and there. But her eyes landed on the injured boy on her bed, who was trying not to laugh hard by looking at the other boys.

Hoseok was half lying on the bed, his back was supported with all the fluffy pillows that she owns, and he was hugging one of her favourite stuff toy which was a cute replica of a sky blue and purple colored horse.

She stood there for a solid minute when none of the boys noticed her. After few seconds, Hoseok noticed that Aeri was standing there. "Guys!" He tried to stop the boys who were still busy at laughing.

"What happened Hobi hy-"

Jimin stopped when his eyes went towards the door, where Aeri was standing like a paralysed ghost.

"Jungkook, may I just talk to you for a second?" Aeri spoke up and Jungkook stopped laughing.

"Look Aeri, I know what are you gonna talk about, if you are wondering why we all are here, then I can explain." Jimin waited for Aeri to say something. When Aeri nodded, he started explaining.

"Hobi hyung is alright now, and when the doctors said that, they can discharge him if we want, Hobi hyung and we all agreed that he should. I anyways stay at his apartment most of the time, so I thought I could take care of him. But .." Jimin paused

"But?" Aeri raised her eyebrows.

"But somehow we both forgot the door password the of his apartment, and also, his apartment needs to be cleaned. When we arrived to his apartment I realised all of these, and my apartment is literally so far from here, that is why I infact don't go there  sometimes.. So Jungkook gave us the idea that we could bring him to your house. So .."

Aeri didn't say anything. She was just standing there staring at the floor.

She mostly ignored what Jimin just asked to him and looked at Taehyung, who is now holding the edited poster in his hand.

"What is he doing here then?" Aeri asked pointing at Taehyung.

"Oh I just went to the hospital to apologise to Hoseok hyung, but I tagged along with them!" He answered shrugging his shoulders.

Thousands of other questions were running through her head, which she wished to ask them. She decided to ask the one thing.." how long will it take to make another door password?"

Jimin looked at others then hesitantly answered "I called the company, they said they are not providing any service right now due to some reason, so two days!"


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