Episode 8: the Shorter(est) Chapter

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The next day at school, Peter laid down a newspaper on the table in the photography room.

"Man found dead in the middle of the woods. What could it have been?" Peter asked.

"Maybe Derek lost control." Betty suggested.

"Seriously? Peter said. Derek tamed his wolf said, it couldn't have been him." Peter responded. Betty shook her head.

"People are saying there is a a giant lizard like creature. Maybe, it's that." Jughead spoke up.

"Whatever it is, someone has to stop it." Peter said, exiting the newspaper lounge.


"So, how long have Nate and Maddie been broken up?" Cassie asked Miles.

"Since Veronica's party last Friday." Miles replied.

"They're probably gonna get back together at some point." Cassie says, as they walk into a crowd of students, that are looking at a shocking discovery.

"What the hell is going on?" Miles asked Isaac.

Miles looks at the wall, which has a message written in blood, "I know you're out there, Spider-Man."

"Someone knows." Dani whispered to Peter.

"They could be talking about anyone. Me, Stiles... Anyone. I need to find out who did this." Peter confirmed.

"I'll do it with you." Dani added.

"No, I'm doing this myself." Peter remarked. Clay walks up to them and looks at the message.

"So, Spider Man goes to this school?" He asked.

"Apparently." Peter responds, walking away. Dani walks after him.

"Why do you wanna take this guy on your own? You don't know how powerful he is. He could kill you." Dani expressed.

"Or, he's just some guy. Peter responded, leaning against the locker. Wanting attention."

"Who ever it is, I'm sure The mother of the Northside princess will make sure to make it look like us southsiders are responsible for it." Sweetpea joined in.

"Who's the Northside princess exactly?" Peter asked.


Peter gave the taller serpent a look.

"She's helped you on multiple occasions and you pay her back by treating her like she's the problem. If you have an issue with her, then just fuck off and leave her alone." Peter hissed, walking away.

"What's his problem?" Dani asked.

"Whatever it is, he needs to fix it." Sweetpea declared, walking away. Dani nodded and walked with him.


"So, we have a mysterious symbiote roaming around, a dangerous interdimensional creature, and someone who wants us dead." Stiles says to Archie.

"Pretty much. What are we going to do? Homecoming's isn't too far away." Archie remarks.

"Don't worry, I have a plan." Stiles said.

"Which is?"

"So, he wants Spider-Man? I don't know if he means me, or you, or Peter or even Miles.

"Wait, Peter and Miles are also Spider Man?" Archie asked.

"Focus. Stiles told Archie. "Anyway, me and so we all can head to different directions alone and unarmed. Then, we get the villain's attention." Stiles explained.

"That's kind of a dumbass plan." Archie said to Stiles.

"You have a better one?" Stiles asked.

"Yes. I do."

As Archie explained his plan to Stiles, Peter looked over at Tessa, who had just broken up with Justin Foley. He walked over to her and starting talking to her.

"Hey." He began.

"Umm, hey." She replies, timidly. Peter sat down by her.

"I saw your breakup with Justin back there. I wanted to come and say, I'm sorry. Not just about the break up. But, the way I acted, and the shit I said to you. I should have never said those words." Peter said, tearing up.

"None of that matters, Pete. You're my friend." She implied, hugging him. Peter hugged back, and looked at her.

"Can we start over? As friends?" He asked.

"Yes. Yes we can." She responded. Peter held on to her hand, as the two headed to class.


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