Episode 10: When Darkness rises

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The next morning, Peter, Alex, Gert, Chase, Molly, Tandy, Tyrone and Carolina were walking to school together, talking about what happened in their lives the night before.

"I've been sleeping with monitors all over my house every since the demogorgan attack." Alex said.

"Isn't that kinda creepy?" Peter asked.

"No. They are just in the living rooms and shit." Alex responded.

"I practiced like hell after that bridge attack." Tyrone added.

"Who's the basketball team going against this time?" Tandy questioned.

"Fucking Baxter High School." He answered, kicking a rock.

"Anyone have anything interesting to share?" Chase asked.

"I do." Molly responded, holding Chase's arm.

"You wanna share with the class?" Peter asked, chuckling.


Molly, Will, and Eleven were downstairs in Gert's parents science lab.

"I don't think we should be in here." Will whispered.

"Don't worry, we won't get caught." Molly insisted, as they went deeper downstairs.

"Our parents are hiding something, and I want to find out what it is. So, here we are." Molly confirmed. Eleven shook her head.

"There's something behind this door." Molly said, stopping in front of a big, metal door.

"Please don't tell me we are going to try to open this door." Will pleaded in worried voice.

"That's exactly what we are going to do." Molly answers, as her eyes glowed yellow. She grabbed the handle of the door and pulled as hard as she could.

"Eleven, a little help?" She demanded. Eleven nods, and focuses on her mind on the door. In less than thirty seconds, the door flew open, as a giant dinosaur burst out roaring at them.

"Will, you run!" Molly said, turning to face the dinosaur.

"I'm not leaving you." Will shouted, also facing the giant reptile. Eleven looks at the dinosaur, and slams it against the wall. It roared in pain, as she proceeded to hold him in place, and try to put him back in the habitat he was in, before her and Molly freed him. As they tried to put him back in his spot, they heard a voice from the entrance of the basement.

"HEY, BAD DINOSAUR!" The voice yelled. It turned out to be Gert's voice.

"Gert?" Will said, in a tone mixed between shocked and confused.

"Yes, it's me." Gert said, as the dinosaur calmed down.

"Put him down, El." Gert instructed. S

Flashback fades

"How did your parents get a dinosaur locked in a basement?" Peter asked.

"I don't know." Gert responded, as they entered the school. As they entered the school, Peter spotted Nate picking on Miles from across the hall.

"I'll see you guys later." Peter says, walking over to them.

"Let's not forget you were treating Maddie like she was nothing. She might have problems. But, that doesn't mean you can toss her around like a piece of trash." Miles stated. 

"Oh, what are you? Her new bitch now?" Nate asked pushing Miles. Jughead also notices and decides to intervene.

"Listen, Nate. I'm sure there is a-

Jugead was cut off by Nate punching him in the face, and kicking him to the ground.

"Stay out of it, Jones!" He yelled.

"Dude, that was unnecessary." Chase said to Nate.

"You wanna end like him?" Nate asked.

"I just might have to take that risk." Chase said pushing Nate. Nate threw a punch at Chase, but he missed and Nate punched him in the side. Once the rest of the football players spotted the fight, they decide to help out Nate.

"He's gonna get himself killed." Peter mumbled to himself.

"You're not actually thinking about going in there, are you?" Tessa asked.

"I have to. Chase is my friend." Peter responded running into the fight. He threw a punch at Monty, which immediately knocked him down.

As the fight went on, Lydia, Veronica Gwen, Betty, Mary Jane, and Allison notice the fight.

"Are you kidding me?" Veronica said, once she saw the fight, which at some point, Harry, Miles, and Steve joined in.

"Should we stop them?" Mary Jane asked.

"No, I want to see how this goes." Lydia responded.

Clay and Noah walk down the hall, unaware of the chaos the awaited them further down the hall.

"So, I met my science project last night. It's a giant, man eating monster." Clay started.

"What happened?" Noah asked.

"I don't even remember." Clay responded, as they heard yelling from down the jallway.

"The hell?" Noah asked, in a confused voice. The two eventually get close to see what was going on; some of their friends in the fight. 

"Noah, back me up on this!" Clay yelled, running off. Noah ran after him, and the friwnda joined them in the fight.

"What should we do?" Asked Dustin.

"Nothing. It's not our fight." Lucas said.

"Our friend is literally in the fight, and you want us to sit and watch? Mike yelled.
"We beat up Nate at that party. Remember?"  Will brought up. Eleven laughed at the memory, as the boys argued over where or not they should fight.

"You guys do want you want. I'm not getting slandered." Lucas said, backing away. The freshmen notices Miles struggling, so that's when they decided to join the fight.

"I though you guys were done after what happened with Nate." Miles shouted.

"You're our friend, we couldn't leave you by yourself." Will said. Miles smiled at his friends, and then they fought Theo together, who was fighting Harry.

"Somebody has to stop this." Veronica commented.

"I know how to." Cheryl said, pulling the fire alarm, which caused the students to scatter all over the hallway.

Time Skip

"What were you thinking?" Dani asked, once they got to Peter's house.

"Nate was being a dick. Somone had to stop him." Peter responded.

"That was not the way." Dani groaned.

"At least I'm in one piece." Peter remarked. Dani walked into a kitchen, and handed him an ice pack.

"Thanks. But, I don't need this." Peter commented.

"I don't give a fuck. Take it." Dani replied. Peter grabs the ice pack, and puts it against his eye.

"Thank you."

"No problem."


It was a full moon, and Theo Raeken was in the middle of the woods being chased by several hunters, including Kraven, and Chris Argent.

"I know you're around here some where." Kraven said, in a low and deep voice.

"Don't worry, we'll get the bug and the wolf." Chris said to the slightly older hunter. Kraven stopped walking and sniffed the air.

"I found our prey." Kraven said, smirking.

"Can we hurry this up? I want Spider-Man's head over my fireplace already." A familiar voice said from the shadows. The voice was revealed to be Kraven the Hunter.

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