Episode 21: Not So Epic Showdown Part 1

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Hours later, Peter wakes up in a black space, filled with nothing but infinite dark

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Hours later, Peter wakes up in a black space, filled with nothing but infinite dark. He looks around to see if there's anyone in there with him but it was just him.

"Hello?!" He calls out. His voice echoes, and there's no response. He begins to walk around and look for any sign of life. As he began his search, a mysterious figure runs past Peter very quickly. He turns around to see what it was, but he saw nothing.

"Weird..." He thought to himself, as he continued to walk around. The mysterious figure runs past him again, this time in front of him. Peter tries to follow the direction figure went in but it was too quick for him to see.

"WHO'S THERE?!" Peter shouts, as he spots a familiar light. He began walking towards the light, which turned out to be the gym on the night of the Homecoming Dance. The gym was a big mess, since Goblin had attacked it to get Spider-Man's attention.

"Why'd you do it Peter?" A familiar voice asks. Peter quickly turns around and sees Dani standing behind him, bleeding from the wounds she got from Goblin's glider in her Spider Woman suit.

"Dani? I didn't mean to-

"Why'd you let me die?"

"I-I wanted to save you but-

"THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU?!" She shouts. Her voice started to disorientate a little bit, which intimidated Peter.

"Goblin had captured me and-

"You're so pathetic, Peter. What kind of hero lets his enemy capture them? You're no hero. You're just the reason why people die. People like me. Uncle Ben. And God knows how many more people will fall because of you."

" Dani, he caught me off guard. I would have saved you, but-

"Excuses, excuses is all that ever comes from your mouth, Spider-Man. It's why the people around you view you as a disappointment." Goblin says, gliding up to Peter.

"What do you want, Goblin?" Peter growls, backing away from Goblin.

"TO REMIND YOU THAT EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH, DIES!" Goblin cackles. He grabs Peter by the neck and glides off with him. He drops him off at the cemetery that Uncle Ben was buried at.

"Take your poor Uncle Ben for example. Who died because of YOUR ignorance."
Peter slingshots himself towards Goblin and kicks him off of his glider. He slams Goblin to the ground, and began violently punching him, until Norman's glider knocks Peter off of him. Goblin grabs Peter and throws him into a tree, and punches him in the face, and torso. Peter headbutts Goblin and kicks him into a tombstone. Goblin immediately gets back up, and tackles Peter back down to the ground. He unsheathes his blade and stabs Peter with it.

Peter wakes up, with a loud gasp. He quickly looks around and realizes he was still in Aunt May's hospital room. He lets out a relieved sigh and sat back in his chair. Peter looks over at at his aunt, who was asleep.

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