Past ideas

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Howdy. It's been a while but after looking through my computer and finding a couple of prompts or ideas that I had tucked away in a file for this book, I decided that it would have better use to be here and publish it here for anyone who may be interested in writing themselves, and may need ideas. 

They aren't fully fleshed out or anything of the sort, rather just the generic type of descriptions, all completely bad or just things I could never end up or no motivation to work with. They may be derived from pictures/art I had previously seen, or an AU prompt/idea I found online. I have no use for them, so I give them to you lot. Do what you will with them.

AU W>Comic: After Danganronpa, where Kiibo sacrificed himself but has been downloaded into the phones of the survivors. Shuichi can end up getting a message one night from him or something.

AU OG>Idea (?): Instead of the voices in Kiibo's head being the audience, it's a ghost version of Shuichi. Kiibo doesn't even realize that Shuichi isn't alive and think people just don't talk to him, Shuichi keeps lying to him about it, but still try to keep talking to a minimum when he's alone. Shuichi helps in trials and investigations to help find the culprit. Kiibo only finds out when he tries to get people to be Shuichi's friend. (multiple chapters?)

AU OG>Idea:  Where it's Shuichi crying in the middle of the night over Kaede being Kaedead in his bedroom. Either near the door or crying in bed, and Kiibo hears and knocks on his door, but because Shuichi doesn't want to be weak after people choosing to rely on him. So, he quiets himself and tries to act like he wasn't crying, but when Shuichi entered his room, he forgot to lock the door, so Kiibo enters to check on him and sees him crying. He comforts him and Shuichi talks to him about his worries of being relied on. So yeah.

AU W>Comic: This is a Wall-E AU, where Kiibo is Wall-E and Shuichi is Eve. Would start with Kiibo going through his day and finding Shuichi, they meet, and Shuichi is unfazed and doesn't really care, but grows to like Kiibo. Follows main story for Wall-E but just with Danganronpa characters. I don't know, Wall-E is neat.

AU OG>Idea: Everyone in this one is a kid, and it's Kiibo's first day. Teacher/ caretaker makes a comment about how he is a robot and to be careful with him. Kokichi, the gay gremlin, comes in and starts to poke fun at him, and Kiibo is sensitive about it. Shuichi comes in and defends Kiibo from Kokichi, where Kokichi just leaves in boredom, and Shuichi asks Kiibo if he wants to be friends, and so they do. Maybe include some of that good Kaito and Kokichi fighting.

AU NOG>Idea: Shuichi, being in a daze, goes outside to walk around, eventually laying down. He stays like that for a good few hours, not hearing the nighttime announcement, when Kiibo sees him. They talk for a bit, like those deep midnight conversations. Like what they will do when they get out. Somehow it gets onto the topic of romance, and Kiibo asks about Shuichi liking anyone, goes on for a little bit, until it's revealed that they like each other. (Happy Hug??)

AU OG>Idea: Kingdom AU. Shuichi is the prince of the land; his uncle is the king. Shuichi has been assigned a robot companion to keep with him for protection and serving since they were both kids. (Professor Idabashi??) Surprise, surprise, its Kiibo. Shuichi doesn't treat Kiibo like a robot, but like an actual human. Kiibo learns emotions through Shuichi. (may or may not have other people be treating Kiibo without care because he isn't human.) They grow feelings for each other, whoopie.

AU WP>Alteration: Human Kiibo, Statue Saihara. Story goes around where if the right person (soulmate) holds hands with the statue, it will come to life. After Kiibo's classmates all force him to take the photo because of a dare, he suddenly catches an extremely confused person in his arms. Over time, they grow attached.

AU WP>Alteration: Kiibo goes over to Shuichi's house for a school project, uncle isn't home. It starts to snow, but when they notice, it's too late and it's unsafe to go home. Shuichi offers for Kiibo to stay over and he does, they fall asleep on the couch cuddling. They get up and rush to school the next day, Kiibo wearing some of Shuichi's clothing. (Insert Miu and her unending jokes?)

AU OG>Idea: Shuichi doesn't talk to many people in his class, except for maybe Kaito and Kaede when they try to talk to him. He is just an anxious person all the time, he doesn't smile that often and people don't even know his eye color because he hides under his hat. New student, Kiibo comes in, his goal is to befriend everyone, especially the sad quiet kid. Constantly annoys him and finds him to talk. Shuichi caves and lets him talk to him; they have nice conversations. Shuichi actually smiles for once. (maybe have Kiibo talk highly about Shuichi and everyone is just kinda like, "excuse me, he did what now????")

AU WP>Alteration: Shuichi and Kiibo have been dating for a few years. Shuichi lends one of his books to Kiibo after he showed interest. However, at the end of each chapter, there's a sticky note that says something that he loves about Kiibo. When he is almost done reading, Shuichi notices and leaves the room, finally reaching the last page, he sees the last note "will you marry me?" Kiibo looks up and sees Shuichi kneeling in front of him with a ring, extremely flushed.

AU OG>Idea: Magic gone wrong, Shuichi is now a child again (7), and Maki doesn't want to deal with it. After she gives up, Kiibo remembers the conversation with Kiibo being a care giver robot. Kiibo follows the role. Shuichi as a kid is anxious, afraid, and really sensitive. Kaito is too harsh and excited, Kokichi is Kokichi, etc. Shuichi only is really comfortable around Kiibo.

AU Inspired: Human researcher Kiibo and Shuichi is a shy mermaid or siren (?). Kiibo goes out to sea and hears Shuichi singing, getting lulled in. He falls in, Shuichi begins freaking out because oh dear god I was just doing it for fun. He saves him, but also ends up getting himself caught by the crew. He's taken to a lab for experimenting/ research, and Kiibo is there as a main researcher who takes care of him, keeping him from death. Shuichi is paranoid, nervous, and scared, doesn't like people but slowly warms up to Kiibo. Kiibo notices certain things about him which he likes but points it to him just being a creature of beauty. Then Shuichi is just- holy fuck this dude is hot.

Have a good day/evening/night. 

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