Surprise! It's a disaster!

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-3rd person POV-

"Do you think you'll be home tonight?"

It was time for Shuichi to leave for work. For the last few weeks he had been forced to stay in the office longer and longer each night. There were days where Shuichi wouldn't come back until the A.M. hours. At first, Kiibo didn't mind that much, but over the days, he got lonely.

Shuichi turned to face his boyfriend; his eyes were detailed with the dark bags that hung under them. "I don't know Kiibo... lately work has just been hectic."

"No... I know. It's fine." Though he was disappointed with the answer he was given, he couldn't say he was surprised.

All Shuichi could spare for him was an apologetic look with a mumbled 'Sorry', before kissing his lover's forehead as he turned away and finished putting on his shoes. "I'll text you when I can."

And then he was gone. Not seeing Kiibo's waving or his sad smile as he watched him leave.

At this point, the two had been together for around 2 years. After the death of Kiibo's creator, Professor Idabashi, he had been invited by Shuichi to stay and live with him, Kiibo hesitantly accepting the offer. The first few months were fine, and Kiibo was able to spend more time with his lover, but later on, more and more cases were appearing that Shuichi had to take care of. The less and less time Shuichi could spend at home.

Kiibo wished that he could assist in helping get money for the two of them, but as he has looked for a job, all of the places he went to have turned him away, many informing him they couldn't take him as he was a robot. He couldn't tolerate all these robophobic people!

Because of Kiibo's lack of an occupation, he's taken charge of chores at the house. He often spent his days cleaning the rooms, or buying the groceries whenever needed.

In the middle of one of Kiibo's daily routines, he received a text from Shuichi. This was a unique occurrence as though he said he would text, most of the time, he wouldn't because he was too busy. Before, he would receive a call from Shuichi every day, so he could check up on his new housemate. But over time, the work was just piling up, causing the daily calls to stop.

Kiibo eagerly checked his phone.

Shuichi: Hey Kiibo

Kiibo: Hello Shuichi!

Shuichi: My boss just told me that I can take tomorrow off

Kiibo: Really?!

Shuichi: Yup. We can do whatever you want tomorrow

Kiibo: Promise?

Shuichi: Promise.

Shuichi: I have to go now, see you tonight

Kiibo: Okay, love you!

He never got a response after that. This small action hurt Kiibo a little bit but nothing would cause his excitement to falter. Ever since he has moved in, Shuichi had never gotten a free day. They didn't have to do anything spectacular; they could just lie in bed all day. Atua knows Shuichi needed the rest.

As Kiibo had thought previously, Shuichi ended up arriving home just a few minutes shy of midnight. One of his perks of being a robot was his lack of needing sleep, so he was able to stay up until Shuichi came home. Though he knew of his need to charge that night, he ignored it, watching his battery dwindle in the low tens. But he just wanted to see Shuichi.

Shuichi was quite obviously exhausted as he staggered over to Kiibo. Kiibo meeting him half-way as Shuichi placed his body weight against Kiibo, hugging him while lazily placing a kiss on his forehead.

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