Tetsuya Iidabashi

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Before you read the chapter, I would like to make the point that this is clearly not a finished chapter. I have been on and off working on this for a while now, and I can't bring myself to finish, especially since it's so long. I'm sorry that it may be confusing, but it is a full chapter, just with mainly dialogue and important actions, only a little section of it I had finished fully.

I would also like to apologize in advance for how stupid Shuichi is going to seem in this story. The only way it would work is if he was sort of clueless. As well as the ending being rushed and anything possible in science, but hey, at least you can see my shit writing process. I hope you enjoy what little I have to offer.

-They are in elementary, everyone is being loud and annoying, Tetsuya gets nervous and puts on headphones sitting in the corner, Shuichi sees him and approaches him-

-Shuichi's muffled talking because of Tetsuya headphones-


"I asked, what are you listening to?"

"Um... just some podcasts about robotics..."

"Oh! -sits down, Tetsuya moves away a little- Do you mind if I listen as well?"

-A little surprised- "Really?"

"Yeah, it sounds interesting!"

"Well... I suppose you can." -hands Shuichi a earbud-

-someone says Professor Iidabashi on the podcast-

"Hey, Isn't your last name Iidabashi?"

"Uh, yeah. Professor Iidabashi is my father."

"Is that why you are always reading books about robotics?"

"I'm surprised you noticed..."

"Why wouldn't I? You seem like a really cool person to talk to; I just didn't know how to start a conversation."

"You think I'm cool?"

"Well, yeah! Your super smart and you seem nice. I don't understand why no one ever talks to you."

"It's because no one wants to be friends with the freaky science kid." -little sad-

"Well I want to!"


"Well... if that's alright with you, anyway."


-a little upset- "I see, sorry I asked." -gets up-

"Wait! No! I mean! Yes?"


"I want to be friends with you. Please."

-gets excited- "Oh! Okay?"

-laughs- "I'm sorry, that was awkward."

-stares- "..."

"What, is there something on my face."

"I've never seen you laugh before."


"You've never laughed at school before, you hardly smile. But your laugh, I like it! You should do it more often, it suits you!"

-flustered- "I... uh... Maybe??"

"Oh wait, you don't even know my name, do you?"

"Ah- No, I don't. I'm sorry!"

"Don't be! Here, how about we start over?"

"Start over?"

"Yeah, forget all the awkward and just introduce ourselves like we just met!"

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