not a chapter

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Hey, so, uh, this is kind of really important. So, please read this, it will explain some things and generally serve as a form of communication about this story.

So, I don't update often, and that's due to multiple reasons- one of the biggest being my lack of actually liking this book.

Before I even started this, I had fallen out of the fandom almost entirely, the only reason this exists, is because my friend likes this pairing and she wanted me to write something for her as a gift on her birthday. The conditions I was put under was having a minimum of 10 chapters/ having multiple stories, and I was fine with that, she is a good friend of mine. 

The original plan for this was to create the 10 chapters and then publish the story to have all of the stories compiled and ready to post, but my friend took my phone and was the person who was in charge of writing the "hello" chapter. That little issue is over and done with, we are still fine with each other, though I don't trust her around my phone alone.

However, now is the time where I have to be completely blunt to those who read this and say: yeah, no. I don't even remotely ship these characters, or for that matter, enjoy writing this book.

While I do think the characters and the possibility of people thinking of this pairing as more of a comfort ship or a wholesome relationship is cute and everything, I don't really think much of it as a whole. So, I find it hard to come up with ideas on my own as well as the fact of me never being in a relationship, so I have no clue on what or how things should work out.

Now, its not like I hate this fandom, or ship, or anything. I'm honestly quite surprised on how many people have read this at this point, and you all seem lovely people who have shown nothing but support as well as given me some comments to laugh at. But I just don't really belong here, writing something I pay no real mind to.

Also, because I have gotten a request for a chapter recently, I will be sure to still write it out, as this wasn't a planned thing, but rather more of something I felt I needed to say. So currently, there will be 3 total chapters until I stop writing this, one being a two part chapter and the 3rd a request. 

Originally, I was going to just go out and take this book down after finishing the last three chapters, but I have decided that I will keep it open to read, because some people have really enjoyed this. 

To go ahead and wrap this up, I'm not sure when I will post the final chapters, but they will be done eventually. I do still have work outside of this as well as other passions. But, if you read this, then thank you. I hope you all have lovely days/afternoons/nights.

Also- if you do have any questions, feel free to ask, and I will answer them.


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