PDA Problems

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This chapter was a bit inspired by their love suite event, so it has a bit of similar dialogue in it.

-3rd Person POV-

The day was as normal as any other. Sun was seeping through the many cracks in the walls from the poor condition they were in, with little breezes of air passing through as the couple sat next to each other. Enjoying each other's presence as they sat in silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

They had only been together for a little while now, approaching their 3-month anniversary. But, as the smaller of the two was easily flustered, there had really been no forms of PDA. Even when it was just the two of them, the most it had ever been was them sitting close to each other, as anything more would lead to Kiibo over-heating.

Many other people would be annoyed in this relationship, as most people want affection to be shared. However, Shuichi understood how Kiibo felt self-conscious about affection, and didn't want to make him uncomfortable. And besides, Shuichi, like Kiibo, had absolutely no idea how to handle affection either. In the end, they would probably both become a flaming, stuttering mess.

Breaking through the comfortable situation was Kiibo's sudden intense stare towards Shuichi. A look that could make anyone nervous if they didn't know him personally.

Shuichi only met back his stare in confusion. After a few seconds Kiibo finally spoke.

"Hey, Shuichi?"


"Do you think our relationship is weird?"

Sure, Shuichi had some thoughts about their relationship and how it wouldn't be considered normal for a human and a robot to be together but has never serious thoughts as if they were strange. So, this conversation starter caught him a little off guard. "What do you mean?"

Kiibo switched his gaze down, fiddling with his hands, pulling his fingers at time. A habit he had developed whenever he got seriously nervous.

"Well, lately I've been talking with Miu... and she always makes comments about how slow our relationship has developed. And when I asked her about it, she would say that we should be farther along."

That would explain as to why he feels the way he does.

"Well... how do you feel about it?"

"Why would you ask me? I have no experience with this type of relationship and-" Kiibo, cutting himself off with a signature groan as he used his hands to cover his face. "I've already ruined it haven't I?"

This situation wasn't that strange of an occurrence. Shuichi found himself having to reassure Kiibo on many different occasions. From the first time when Kiibo sat next to him, or in these more serious conversations where Kiibo was anxious. But he didn't mind. He never did.

All he could do was let out a sigh, taking Kiibo's hands off of his face, before quickly retracting his own as to not make the other uncomfortable. "Kiibo. You haven't ruined anything. I don't have any experience with this either, just- don't worry. Miu has her own pace. And we have ours. What matters is that you are comfortable."

Seeming to have calmed down a little, Kiibo looked up to Shuichi for the first time in the conversation. Giving a shy nod and smile.

"I trust you."

Soon after the conversation had ended, they had parted ways before the nighttime announcement sounded. Each tending to their own nighttime duties before preparing for the next day.


Following the morning announcement, all 16 students began their morning routines and making their way to the dining hall. Though Kiibo never required eating, it became routine for him to sit with Shuichi during meals, but on the way to his destination, something caught his eye.

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