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I hope you enjoy!

And so, began the short walk over to the student dormitories in search of his friend. Kiibo had been waiting in the Cafeteria waiting for everyone to arrive, but after everyone else had, he couldn't find Shuichi anywhere among them. Waiting longer, it became apparent that Shuichi wasn't coming anytime soon, so he took it upon himself to check on him to make sure he was okay. This was a killing game after all.

When he made it over to Shuichi's door, he found himself suddenly ten times more anxious. But he really didn't understand. It was just his friend! Everything was going to be fine once Shuichi revealed that he just slept through the announcement. Of course it would be!

So, bringing his hand over to the doorbell, he buzzed it and waited.


And waited.


Kiibo decided he just didn't hear the sound, moving to ring the buzzer again, longer this time. He'd come to the door any second now!




Starting to grow far more anxious, he tried to buzz a third time, but was soon startled by the door opening.

However, before he was able to let out a sigh of relief, it caught in his throat once he caught sight of Shuichi.

He was standing there, holding onto both the wall and door for support, still in his night clothing, and hair a raging mess. Though he wasn't dead, Kiibo could have argued otherwise. Shuichi looked like death himself, as the boy struggled to even maintain eye contact with Kiibo and keep himself up.

But before Kiibo could give any sort of reaction besides staring, Shuichi took a shaky breath and covered his mouth as the cold air rushed down his scratchy throat, before coughing in any attempts to make it any clearer.

"Ah... Sorry, Kiibo... tell them—tell them I can't make it today..."

Finally snapping out of his daze he came a little closer to Shuichi, just in case anything was to happen. His voice sounded just as horrible as he had looked and Kiibo knew this wasn't normal. "Of course, but are you okay?"

"Yeah... I'm- I'm fine..."

And yet, as he says this, he begins to topple forward, and Kiibo being glad he moved just a little forward, managed to keep him from hitting the ground, adjusting him to be standing on his feet with some support. Putting his hand to his forehead, Kiibo could feel the obvious hotness of it, "Shuichi, you're burning up!"

Hearing a groan from the sick one, he wrapped Shuichi around himself as he made his way back into the others room, and closer to his bed. Upon laying him down, Kiibo took note of how Shuichi remained latched onto his arm for a few seconds after letting go.

"Kiibo, I'm fine... really. Just go enjoy breakfast with everyone else..."

Oh, you have got to be kidding me...

Walking to the boy's bathroom, shortly coming back out holding a thermometer, he gave an uninterested look to the boy in the bed. "Absolutely not, Shuichi, you just fell onto me. You're not well... let me take your temperature."

Bringing it closer, Shuichi weakly complied, despite wanting Kiibo to not concern himself with his problem. They stayed there for a second, waiting for it to beep. Shuichi looked over and saw the look of concern on his face, he really didn't want Kiibo to be worrying.

For a few more awkward seconds, they continued to look around the room until they both heard the savior that was the beep. Shuichi could see how quickly Kiibo's face fell as he looked at it.

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