The Confession

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Thank you MissedMessages  for the story idea, I found it really cute and fun to do.  I appreciate it! Although, because this is my first story, this probably won't turn out that good. Sorry if it sucks!

-Shuichi's POV-


Recently, I've decided to spend most of my time with Kiibo. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't have an interest in him. It's become a daily thing for us to just sit and talk to each other, often asking questions about what we would do if we got out, or about our lives before this stupid killing game.

However, I've noticed that in these last few meetups, he doesn't seem to be paying as much attention, as he would normally bombard me with different questions or make comments. But lately, he just stares ahead, not making any sound.

"Hey, Kiibo, you there?" No response. This time I decided to stand in front of him, I don't think he noticed me moving as he continued to just stare. "Kiibo?"

Finally snapping out of his daze, he looked up to me confused. "Hm? Yes Shuichi, is there something you need?" Even now, he doesn't seem fully awake, I don't think he even realizes that he tunes me out. "Ah, no, you just looked a little out of it, are you ok?"

"Yes I am." I don't believe that.


Ok, now I'm getting really concerned. This is the fourth time he's zoned out. Instead of standing up this time, I just touched his shoulder, when that didn't work, I shook it a little. Kiibo finally looked up at me, seeming a little agitated. "What is the matter Shuichi?"

"Kiibo, what's going on? You never zone out this much, is something happening? Do you need to talk about it?"

He looked away from me again, making my worry grow worse, if he needed help, normally he wouldn't hesitate to ask. "Well, I suppose there has been a question that's been bothering me for quite some time. May I ask you?" I unconsciously let out the breath I was holding. At least it doesn't seem like anything serious. He will finally talk to me.

"Yes, of course Kiibo. You can ask me anything." Looking like he was trying to word his question, I let him take a second. "Well, as you know, I am a self-improving AI, I can feel emotions. But one I have never had a grasp of was the concept of love."

'So that's what was bugging him, out of all the questions, why that one...' I knew I had to be delicate with this, I don't want to misinform him. As I was thinking, I realized that Kiibo kept fidgeting with his hands, he seemed really nervous. Suddenly he stands up and puts his hands up, waving them frantically.

"O-of course, you don't have to answer, I could always look it up! Sorry, it was a pretty dumb question..." Of course, my lack of answering would make him feel like that. He turns to leave, but I stand up before he can leave. "No no no no, your fine Kiibo. I was just thinking of how to explain it, love is a bit difficult to just explain. And it's not a dumb question, you shouldn't say that just because your curious."

He nodded to me and sat back down onto my bed, looking up to me. He still looked nervous. When I finally thought I had some sort of appropriate answer for him, I sat back down next to him.

"Ok, well, there is different types of Love. There's familial love, which is just love between family members. Then there is platonic love, love between friends, like when you become friends with someone, you want to be around them a lot, you have a deep bond with that person. However, there is also... romantic love. Romantic love is when you have a deep bond with someone, and you want to be with them."

When I didn't hear anything from Kiibo, I looked over at him to see him thinking. He looked confused. "Isn't the romantic love the same as platonic love? Two people have a bond and they want to be near each other."

"No." I knew I did a bad job at explaining this. "I can see why you said that though, in some respects they are really similar. But romantic love is more of... you want to be with them, not just around. Someone who has their eye for someone else may have thoughts of being in a relationship with them."

"I think I understand, correct me if I am wrong. Familial is like my relationship with the Professor, and platonic love is like my relationship with you, right?" I nodded to him, but I won't lie, hearing that comment about being under platonic love kind of hurt. "Can someone fit into more than one category?"

"I-" I paused; I wasn't expecting that question... "In some cases, yes, there have been plenty of times where friends ended up feeling romantic love towards each other." He looked down again, looking like he was concentrating really hard on something.

"Uh... Ki-" Before I could finish, I was startled by Kiibo snapping his head up to look at me.

"Shuichi... Going by what you have told me today..." I caught him looking away for a second before getting closer to my face, staring really intensely at me. I had to back up to get a little room. "Does that mean that you fit into the romantic category as well?"

Never before have I felt my face get so warm in so little time.


Kiibo got up very quickly and started walking around the room. "Well, after what you have defined as romantic love, I have reason to believe that I hope for that bond with you..." After pacing in my room for a few minutes, he finally looked at me. I can only imagine how red I must've been, but he immediately got worried.

"Shuichi! Are you ok?! Your overheating! Do I need to retrieve Kirumi?" He quickly turned to leave my room; I knew I had to stop him.

Scrambling to get up, I reach out and grab his hand. "W-wait! Kiibo! I'm fine! I'm fine! Please don't get Kirumi!" There is no way, that I want to try and deal with her right now, not like this.

He stopped and looked at me, his hand went up to my forehead to feel my temperature. "Are you sure? Your body temperature is much higher than normal..."

I managed to pull him away from my door and sat back down. "Yes, Kiibo. I'm fine. I promise." I could see him have a battle in his head, before he reluctantly sat back down next to me.

There was a long time that we spent in silence. My attempts to try and keep my thoughts in line and grasp the events that just happened. And Kiibo looking as confused as ever.

"Kiibo... what you said, did you mean that?" Wrong choice of words.

He of course got very defensive "Of course! Why would I lie to you about that! I ran it through my database, and I have been informed on multiple occasions that in these situations, the right thing to do is confess. I do not see the issue with my actions."

Deciding the best course of action was to hide my face in my hands, in any attempt to recover some of my pride. "I mean, you didn't do anything wrong." But you know, just said the one thing that ended with me being a blushing mess and acting like an idiot when my crush said he liked me.

I felt Kiibo leave my bed, before feeling him grab my arms, yanking me off of my bed. He looked up at me for a few seconds before releasing my arms. I could see his face had gotten a little red. "Then, will you accept my confession?"

Even now, his mannerisms still made me laugh a little bit. "You don't have to be so formal you know..." In a small act of bravery, at least for me, I held his hand in mine. "And, I like you too Kiibo."

Kiibo lit up and smiled at me. Shoving his body onto mine as he hugged me, luckily, I landed back onto the bed. After a minute of him death grip hugging me, He looked up to me, all smiley.

"Let's get married!"


So, that was my attempt at the story recommendation, again sorry if it wasn't what you asked for. But nonetheless, thank you for reading!

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