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3:48 a.m.

Shuichi looked at the clock with squinted eyes, hoping for some way he'd fall asleep by staring at the same spot for long enough. But as many other attempts had been before, this was another to add to the ones that had failed.

For days now, he hasn't gotten a proper sleep, surviving on caffeine and an occasional 20-minute power nap. He's always had sleeping issues and being thrown into a game where if they failed to become a couple with someone by the end of the ten days, it was likely that their lives would be threatened, was not helping in the slightest.

Giving a frustrated sigh, he lifted himself up from his comfortable bed to get dressed into normal clothing. If he can't sleep, he may as well spend some time reading in the library.

On his walk, he was really able to take in the situation he was in. The feeling of helplessness after being kidnapped and trapped inside this school. Being told to fall in love within 10 days was absurd. Seemingly impossible.

Yet he couldn't help the feelings he felt towards one of his classmates. Deciding it was pointless to pursue the feelings and pushing them away, he kept moving. Surely there was no actual connection and it was just the pressure of it all that made him believe he held something towards his newfound classmate.

Finally arriving at his destination, he picked out a book that he had seen the day before and found interest in, sitting at one of the tables in the room to begin his reading. Spending the next few hours in the same position, the only sounds made being the pages turning or the frequent yawning that came from the boy.

Shuichi found that he made it a decent way into the book, before hearing noises from the entrance way of the room, deciding to finish the page he was on before looking up to go see what it was, he was interrupted by a voice.


It was none other than the ultimate Robot, Kiibo. A little surprised to see him, he gave a wave with a meek 'Hello'. He was worried about what Kiibo would say, as he'd surely ask about why he was there. He didn't want his sleep to become an issue for someone else as in the few days they knew each other, Kiibo instantly became a person who was eager to help others.

With the silence the fell between the two, Kiibo walked a little closer to the table, before taking a moment to look around the room. Shuichi hoped his sleeplessness wasn't obvious.

However, Kiibo was a little suspicious of everything, determined to see if Shuichi was okay or not. "I'm surprised to see you up so early. Aren't you usually asleep for another hour or so?"

"Uh- yeah. I just... got an early start this morning."

As much as he hated doing so, he chose to take his chances in lying, content with Kiibo not worrying about him.

"Really? How long have you been here for?"

"Oh, you know... not that long."

"Hm... well, would you mind me accompanying you while you are here, so you don't stay here all alone?"

"Not at all." Although he was attempting to hide his fatigue, he looked forward to conversations with the other boy as he sat himself down in the seat in front of him.

Spending the next hour or so, talking about the little things like family, or the other students they were trapped with, the morning announcement played, signaling everyone to head to the cafeteria, as well as making another night Shuichi had gone without sleep. At this point, he should start keeping a tally.

Both boys moving to get up, Kiibo noticed how Shuichi was moving. His movements slow, and unpredictable as he looked like he was struggling to just move one foot in front of the other.

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