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This chapter is an AU that my friend was in love with. I apologize for how long this took, but it is considerably longer than the last one. So, I hope you enjoy!

-3rd person POV-

Every person in the world has a small black heart on their left wrists that forms on their 5th birthday. Every person has a small black mark that beats in time to someone in the world's heart. Every person, when one of the soulmates finds out that their marks beat to each other's heart, a burning sensation would occur and their hearts would be filled red. Wherever they are, whatever time of day it is, they will feel the little burns in their wrists. Many people say that the beating is a comfortable reminder that their soulmate is somewhere in the world, waiting to be found. Others say that it serves as confirmation that their soulmate is alive and well.

But Shuichi Saihara tells a different story.

As the heart follows the beats of their soulmate, it also knows if the heart is no longer beating. And oh, poor Shuichi. As what little family he had surrounded him on his 5th birthday, waiting for the mark to form. The day that was happy quickly turned to one filled with worry.

Because as Shuichi's heart formed, there was no beat that followed.

Of course, there have been situation of soulmates with more than 5-year differences, although unlikely, it's possible. That day was the beginning of the pity that Shuichi would learn to hate.

Every day, Shuichi would look at his mark, hoping to see it beating. But it never did. Soon enough, even though people told Shuichi to just keep waiting, he knew. They knew. Everyone knew. Shuichi's soulmate was dead.

Although, as much as Shuichi didn't want to believe it at first, he eventually came to terms with the fact he would live a loveless life.

He wasn't upset.

He was long past that point.

He had lost almost all hope that the beat would ever start.

He knew, though, that somewhere in his mind, he was still hoping that, somehow. Somewhere. That there was someone for him to find. To love. But he'd often push those thoughts out of his mind, reminding himself that he was content living his life.

A lie, of course.

He eventually started to wear a hat, in the hopes to hide from the pitiful stares he received from those who found out. He began to keep his mark a secret, whenever the topic of soulmates came up, he would do his best to change it. But after a few months, the truth would come out. It always did.

So, when he was given the opportunity to leave his home and start fresh somewhere. He gladly took it. He was being invited to Hopes Peak Academy. A school for the talented. Even though he didn't believe he was good enough to go there, he took the chance.

All he wanted was a place where no one knew about his mark.

A place where no one pitied him.

Now here he was, sitting in class, on the first day of his new life as a student of Hopes Peak.

When he first arrived, he didn't expect the buildings to be so huge. It intimidated him, if he was being honest. He was nervous to meet his classmates. People with talents that are far greater than his own.

So that why he didn't expect to be listening to the conversation of a short male, asking another kid, sitting not to far from Shuichi, many questions. The boy sitting down looking very uncomfortable and annoyed.

Albeit unintentionally, Shuichi was staring at the two, as they bickered. He caught on to the boy who was sitting down's talent, the ultimate robot. Shuichi was definitely impressed that he would be having a class with a robot, he was interested in him. Half-listening to the conversation, he caught bits and pieces of it. The smaller boy seemed to be making some remarks about robots, that did seem quite rude. Though, after a period of time, the boy sitting noticed Shuichi and stood up, looking upset.

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