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Whats this? A chapter that isn't almost a month later? Sorry guys, apparently I've been possessed.

Hope you enjoy!

Shuichi and Kiibo, starting off their daily routine of walking to breakfast were holding a small conversation, unaware of the third student that was creeping behind them.


Shuichi's words were cut short as his partner was knocked from his side onto the ground. His arm suddenly gaining a new weight as Kokichi hung onto it with his whole body. Keeping himself from rocking to the side and to the ground, he tugged back a little, noticing the grip the smaller male had on him, knowing he wasn't letting go anytime soon, he shifted his attention to the boy on the ground.

"Ah! Kiibo, are you alright?"

But before he could make a move to reach out his hand, he was tugged back by Kokichi and cued in his whining.

"Who cares about Kee-boy! I want my Shumai to entertain me!"

And suddenly, as if from nowhere, Kaito had come speeding in, right on time to pick a fight. "Oi! Kokichi!"

"Ugh! What do you want, space nerd."

"Get your hands off my sidekick, you're obviously making him uncomfortable!"

After that comment, Kokichi was only more inspired to hold on tighter to Shuichi's arm, nuzzling his face into his side. This struck a chord somewhere inside Kiibo.

Taking it upon himself to take the situation into his own hands, he nodded with a smile as he looked to Shuichi. The determination in his eye was a little frightening as he moved closer, putting his hands in their proper spots on Shuichi getting ready to pick him up.

"C'mon Shuichi, I'll get you away from him!"

"Wah- Kaito??!!"

Lugging him over his shoulder, Kokichi lost his grip as he fell to the ground only to get up immediately after. As Kaito began to run, Kokichi followed close behind with Shuichi already looking a little sick. Catching Kiibo's eye before he got too far, he managed to wave a little as he shouted, "I'll talk to you later, okay!!"

Only able to give a small wave back, he knew he was now too far away to hear him, did the situation really seem to process in his mind.

This had happened on and off ever since Shuichi had opened up more to be friends with his classmates. At this point, Kiibo was semi-used to it, though he didn't think it was a necessarily good thing. He wasn't a fan of it happening but brushed off his feelings as purely just being upset that their conversation had been cut short. There was nothing he could do about it anyways.

Deciding all he could do was head to breakfast as normal, he lifted himself off of the ground. Walking away with a slight limp from the new back pain he had just received.

Making his arrival to the cafeteria, Kiibo took notice that Shuichi, Kaito, or Kokichi hadn't yet arrived. As he expected, they seemed to crash in a few minutes after he had sat himself down. Kaito and Kokichi out of breath as Shuichi was dropped to the ground. Seeing Kiibo, he tried to walk over but wasn't able to keep balance, so Kiibo offered his assistance as he helped his boyfriend sit down.

Finally, relieved to be back together, Kiibo hoped to continue their previous discussion as Shuichi was in the middle of talking about his uncle and the detective agency he ran. However, that was apparently too much to ask for, as it wasn't long after that, that their area was invaded by no other than Kokichi, along with a few others.

This upset Kiibo a tad, as he felt his face flush and he moved a little closer to Shuichi, grabbing his hand under the table. Shuichi didn't think much of this as he squeezed his hand and shot him an apologetic look as the many conversations spiraled around them.

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