1. The First Meeting

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"Come on girl, you need to get yourself a boyfriend."

I sigh as I look at my roommate.

"Or a one-night stand! You're almost 23 years old and currently celibate! Why would you do that to yourself?"

I groan when she repeats her damned speech for the millionth time, so I plop down on my couch and let out a sigh. She has told me this speech time and time again. She's had multiple boyfriends and multiple one-night stands over the past couple of years and it's truly getting annoying. She even started with this speech when I was sixteen years old because apparently, it was weird to be a virgin while everyone was losing their virginity to the wrong guy.

"Tell me. What is so wrong with being a 22-year-old who's choosing to not have sex? I mean.. isn't it nice that I'm choosing to wait until I find someone worthy of giving myself to? That I don't go for every dumb ass who's undeserving of me. Because I'd like to think that the next guy I give myself to will be the one I will share the rest of my life with."

She shakes her head because she can lip-sync my answer just as well as I can to her speech. We've had this same conversation a million times and we've never changed our standing point. I predict she'll always be against my still being celibate and I know I'll always think of it the way I do.

"But you don't even know what you're missing!"

I chuckle at her desperate look because this is a new one. "I can't miss what I don't have. What else you got?"

Deciding I need a glass of wine to survive this evening, I get up from the couch to grab a cold bottle from my fridge together with two glasses before I take a seat next to her again.

"Sex is honestly a great way to relieve stress."

I chuckle and shake my head once again. "One, that isn't the case for everyone. Two, I get rid of my stress through dance."

She keeps groaning as I continue to shoot her attempts of convincing me down as if the whole idea is ridiculous. It's my own choice, it's my body and it's my right. Why the hell does think she has any say about my life? And how can it possibly be a bad thing that I'm sustaining from sex at 22 years of age? I'm proud that I'm not caving for any of those idiots I've dated in the recent past. None of those guys wanted to stay with me the moment I told them I wasn't ready to have sex with them and I hate them for it.

It was always the same thing. We'd come home from a date, or spend a night together watching a movie, then eventually we'd end up kissing and fooling around a little. When the point came where they took me to the bedroom and would try to remove my clothes, that's where I would tell them I wasn't ready to be intimate with them yet and instead of respecting me they would groan, roll their eyes, put their shoes on, and leave. The next morning I would wake up with a dumb message saying they didn't want to be with me if I was gonna be a prude.

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