11. Trouble At Work

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It had been a week since Dana and I spend the night together at the hotel.

Everything she told me that night was a real eye-opener, it truly explained why she had been so hesitant to take that next step with me. And why she had been so hesitant to even move in with me.

Jungkook and I had hung out two days after the night at the hotel, he had explained to me that Dana carried a lot of weight on her shoulders from her past experiences. How it had scarred her and that it wasn't her intention to judge me through those experiences, but that it was a way to protect herself.

At the end of the day, logically, she behaves that way. It causes trust issues and it makes you cautious about the people you allow in your life.

It's like I told Dana, I had to earn her trust, and I didn't expect anything less from her.

You can't just blindly trust everyone around you, but being too cautious can also be troublesome. There's a fine line between being cautious and too cautious, and I think I might be able to help her find that line.

Jungkook describes her as someone who's been broken and glued herself back together. She'll never be as good as new, but he said we could help her get as close as possible without her forgetting the lessons she's learned throughout her life.

And I couldn't agree more.

I want to help her as much as I can.

He wanted to do whatever he could to help her. Deep within, whether he couldn't identify the feeling or simply wasn't ready to admit it, he knew he had fallen in love with her.

Running my hand through my hair, for what probably was the millionth time today, another sigh escaped my lips as I went over the paperwork of the last task I needed to finish today. I had a stack of customer complaints to go through, and the last one was a head-scratcher.

One of the guests was experiencing sexual intimidation from one of the men that delivered her room service. Not only did I dislike receiving such a complaint, but it also wasn't one of my favorite activities at the end of my day.

Knowing the servers of the day shift were slowly starting to get ready to leave, instead of calling the man to my office, I went downstairs to the locker room where our servers gathered at the beginning and end of their shift and waited for the one man I needed to see.

"Ji-Hoon, a moment, please."

He looked up from his phone when I called out his name and quickly put it away as he followed me to a quieter corner so we could have some privacy. "Is everything alright, Mr. Park?"

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