9. Risquè

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It's clearer than fucking water that Jimin has feelings for me, I'm not blind. Not that blind at least... I wasn't sure at first, but now I'm certain. The only issue seems to be that I don't know how to express myself.. this is the first time that I have ever felt such strong emotions for someone.

I have had boyfriends, and after I lost my virginity I realized that I didn't need sex. I was too young, in my own opinion, when I lost my virtue. So when I learned about celibacy, I decided that it was what I wanted. To be celibate.

Guys at school slowly started to figure out I wasn't having sex and made a bet to see who could get inside my pants. Pretending to want to be with me and try to have sex after a date or two. When I said I wasn't ready for sex with the first guy, he dumped me, and the next day another guy would suddenly show interest in me.

It was easy to find the routine and I told myself I wouldn't fall for it. Every time one of them failed, the challenge would be passed on to the next guy with a huge ego, only to come crawling back to his group with his tail in between his legs when I didn't budge.

But Jimin... I don't know if I'd tell him the same thing. I know he's taking his time and it feels like he's even allowing me to make the first move so he doesn't risk overstepping my boundaries. He's patient and I must say it's scoring him some extra points.

The only other man who has ever been this patient with me.. was Jungkook.

Of course, he's gay so his patience was wasted on getting to know me and now he's just stuck with me. I'm like glue, he's my best friend and he won't ever get rid of me... period.

I guess I'm just scared of the unknown.. I've never had feelings this strong for any man and then there comes Mr. Chair Man, who keeps on falling off of chairs and managed to fall right into my heart. He's already got a piece of it, he's just not aware of it.

Jungkook knows this, I've confessed my feelings about it to him to figure out if it was normal to feel this way. And he confirmed that what I was feeling wasn't unusual or something I should worry about, he told me that the way I'm feeling right now was how he felt about his ex before the whole cheating drama happened.

I also told him that I was scared, afraid of getting hurt and being cheated on like what happened to him. Jungkook ended up telling me that it's a risk I've got to be willing to take if I think Jimin is worth that risk because no matter what, every single time you give your heart to someone you run the possibility of it getting stomped on, being neglected, or being dumped in the trash. You always have a chance of this happening, but if you feel that the person is worth it, you should give him the opportunity to prove their worth.

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