2. The Carnival

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Over the past two weeks Jimin, also known as 'The Chair Man', has been coming to The Golden Diner to eat his breakfast here three times a week. He comes in, always orders something different to get to know our menu and he flirts with me.

Usually, Jungkook has a rule about keeping things professional at work, but he's been hoping for me to find a proper guy and so far it seems that Jimin could be that guy. So he told me that I can ignore his rule and that I could flirt with Jimin all I want.

Out of the six times he's come to The Golden Diner, he fell off of his chair four times and I couldn't help but laugh every time. The day we met he took me to the carnival and even there he fell off of the bench of one of those picnic tables. He laid on the floor like a starfish, it was hilarious.

When he fell off the picnic bench, that was the very moment I decided I would stick with the nickname. He rolls his eyes every single time I call him 'The Chair Man' but it's too funny for me to stop. And it doesn't look like he really dislikes it, because I see him smile in the corner of my eye when he thinks I'm not looking.


Parking the car, he quickly gets out and rushes over to the passenger side of the car, and opens the door for me, like a gentleman. I get out of the car and look around to try and see where he took me, still slightly hoping he wasn't planning on kidnapping me.

I scan the area and see a single sign that's quick to pull all of my attention to it.

A carnival!

He took me to the carnival!

It's been years since I've been to one, so I'm definitely due for another visit.

Running a hand through my hair and hoping I look at least a little decent, I turn to face the smiling man behind me and send him a bright smile. "You can leave your bag in the car, you won't need it." Nodding, I take my phone out and put it in the back pocket of my jeans before placing the bag back in the car, behind the front seat so it won't catch any attention.

Holding out his hand for mine, I place it in his and allow him to take me to the entrance and together we wait in line. Once we're standing in front of the ticket booth, Jimin pulls out his wallet and pays for our entry. We both get a stamp on our hands and are told to enter the carnival and have a good time. We both smile at the sweet lady and make our way past the gates.

I can't help but look around with wide eyes, the last time I went to a carnival I was just a little kid and had to go with my parents. I'm a grown-ass adult now and I'm here with a complete stranger, oh how times change. All I know about this guy is his name, that he looks to be around my age, and that he's clumsy.

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