6. Kookie, Help...

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When Jimin rushed out of my apartment, I have to admit that I actually felt relief flowing through my body.

I truly enjoy spending time with Jimin but if I want to become romantically involved with him, I doubt it would be a smart move to move in together. So, I do the first thing that comes to mind.

I get dressed and go down to the diner where I can talk with my best friend and ask for some advice.

"No! No, you go straight back home. You're not gonna come here and work! You need those days off to recharge your battery!"

Chuckling while shaking my head, I take a seat on one of the chairs at the counter. "I'm not here to work, Kookie, don't worry."

"You missed me so much you needed to come over to the diner and get some of my attention?" A raised eyebrow and a soft smirk play on his features as he stares down at me.

"Yes, I need you."

"Alright babe, what can I help you with?"

Sighing, I look down at my folded hands on top of the counter. I haven't really wrapped my own mind around everything, so I truly wonder how he will react to everything.

"Well, in a nutshell. Lisa moved out and let me know through a text, I can't pay for my apartment on my own and Jimin offered we live together but I don't know if that's a smart idea."

I look up at him with big eyes and a pout on my lips in hopes that he can see how desperate I am for his advice, his help, and his infectious mood. He will always be able to cheer me up, no matter what my own mood is.

That's simply his superpower.

His eyes widen as he absorbs the information while staring at me. His jaw slightly drops and I have to check if he's still breathing or not. So I wave my hand in front of his face, causing him to lean back and send me a glare.

"Why did you do that? Am I not allowed to stare at my beautiful sister from another mister?"

"You are, just not when I need your help." I giggle when he playfully slaps my shoulder and wait for him to say something, anything that could make this whole situation easier for me.

"Well.. fuck Lisa. I never liked her anyway and you're better off without her. As for being able to pay rent, I wonder why you wouldn't want to live with that hottie that just had to be straight."

I roll my eyes at his comment about Jimin's sexual preference and pout. "I just... I might be interested in Jimin on a romantic level and I'm afraid that us living together will ruin any chance I might have to become his girlfriend."

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