13. The Chair Man

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A warmth surrounds my body, and the blood in my veins is electrified as I take in the sincerity in her eyes. My eyes are still intensely focused on the brown orbs that seem to hold the stars in them.

My heart swells up with pride and happiness as I realize the words she's spoken.

I've fallen in love with you.

The corners of my lips slowly turn upwards as I can't look away from her. Time stopped for a second as I froze the look in her eyes for a mental picture, wanting to commit it to memory.

I have always pretended to be someone else, trying to be what the people around me wanted to see. Always trying to uphold this image of this guy that wasn't me, the cool guy, the hot guy, the possible future idol, and whatever else they thought I could be.

She was the first woman to love me for me. I don't know what I did to deserve this, but I am grateful. They say good things happen to those who do good themselves, but never did I think I'd be one of those people. After being here for only 26 years, I didn't think I had done enough to already be surrounded by the love and warmth in her eyes as she allows me to drown through the windows to her soul.

A soul that has been nothing but gentle, sweet, and beautiful. The soul of a woman is just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. She offers so much to those around her, always wearing a smile on her face even when she doesn't feel like it, and treating others the way she wants to be treated.

She's been hurt throughout her life, but she hasn't allowed it to take away from the fire that's burning brightly inside of her.

I've fallen in love with you.

Connections are made as I keep staring into her eyes. I've been walking around, confused, not understanding my feelings. But now it's clear. She loves me and I feel pride and warmth knowing she reciprocates my feelings.

"I love you, too, gongju."

My smile grows as I watch tears gather in her eyes while she's willing them not to fall, the corners of her lips slowly turning up as she tries to look into both of my eyes.

Not being able to hold myself back, I lean down and gently press my lips against hers. Sensually, passionately, and lovingly moving them against hers at a slow pace as I try to burn the feeling of her rose petals against my own into my memory.

A soft whimper leaves her lips as I swipe my tongue across her own, wanting to deepen the kiss without it losing any of the passion and love I'm trying to convey, not knowing how to formulate a sentence that will allow her to know exactly how I feel. My actions spoke louder than the words I could ever speak to make her understand just how much those words mean to me when spoken by her.

The Chair Man || PJM || ✔️Where stories live. Discover now