8. Jealousy

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Finally getting home after a long day at the hotel, I feel relief flowing through my body as I kick off my shoes and hang my coat on the coat rack.

Walking through the hall, I hear muffled laughter and smile as I hear Dana's melodious laughs. Even though she might not be aware of my feelings for her, she has managed to make her laugh and the sound of her voice my favorite melodies in the world.

After taking a deep breath, I walk into my living room to find Dana with Taehyung, Hobi, and Yoongi chatting with one another. Hobi and Yoongi are sitting in the two single chairs, while Taehyung is sitting next to Dana on the couch - and a little too close for comfort... if you ask me.

I don't like him sitting this close to her and the fact that he keeps staring at her even though Hobi is the one who's speaking now doesn't comfort my racing thoughts either.

Dropping my bag on the floor next to the door, I catch their attention.

Four heads whip in my direction, three sets of eyes focus on me and three different stares are sent my way. Yoongi looks like my arrival doesn't matter to him and Hoseok has his usual cheerful features with his smiling eyes looking my way as he sends me a quick wave, which I happily return.

Taehyung seems to be glaring at me as if my presence is messing up some sort of plan he had. As if my being in my apartment fucked up his plan to get laid, that's the kind of stare he's currently giving me.

And Dana, she's looking at me with a spark in her eyes and a soft smile on those pale pink lips I'd like to feel against my own sometime.. soon.

She gets up from her spot on my couch and closes the short distance between us, quickly wrapping her arms around my waist while hiding her face in the crook of my neck. Almost on instinct, my arms wrap themselves around her body as I look down and allow myself to be surrounded by her scent. My eyes close on their own account as I seem to forget that three of my best friends are still in my living room, witnessing this entire encounter.

Placing a soft kiss on top of Dana's head, I pull away from the hug and take her hand in mine and pull her back toward the couch where I take a seat next to Taehyung and pull Dana down next to me so that I am in between the two.

I couldn't care less about how I may look right now, but I do not like how close Taehyung and Dana were sitting next to each other while they had a three, maybe even four-person couch to share.

In the corner of my eye, I can see Hobi raising a questioning eyebrow toward me, meaning he'll talk about this with me in private later in the evening, while Yoongi looks like he could be asleep within the next couple of minutes. In the meantime, I can feel Taehyung shooting daggers into the side of my face from where he's sitting on my left side.

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