3. The Date

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"You look gorgeous!"

"Thank you," I giggle, looking down at my dress. "so why are we all dressed up?"

"I want to take you out on a date."

I'm happily surprised as I look at Jimin's wide smile and crescent eyes. A beautiful bouquet of purple tulips in one hand as the other is casually stuffed in his pants pocket. He's dressed in a beautiful black suit with a lilac shirt, which has the top two buttons undone. The shirt matches perfectly with my lilac knee-length dress that Jungkook left behind for me in his office.

I have a strong feeling that Jungkook was the one to pick out the dress, as I had to go braless because of the deep neckline and the fact that this dress doesn't have a back.

In other words, this bitch wanted me to look extra sexy.

Jimin's eyes are scanning me from head to toe and it's making my insides feel like they're on fire. His gaze resembles that of a predator and it's making me feel things that I haven't felt before.

I have loved the past two weeks, Jimin has been an absolute gentleman and never once tried to push me past my limits or even hint towards any sexual activity. I am absolutely in love with the fact that he allows me to be who I am and allows me to take my time.

As far as I know, he doesn't mind that I'm so patient with taking that step.

But I'm also not sure if he's aware of the fact that I still am withholding from sex.

"Alright, you can take me on a date."

He chuckles at my answer and lifts a sassy eyebrow. "Were you going somewhere else looking as beautiful as you do?"

Shrugging with a small smile playing on my lips, I decide to play a little with him. "Maybe... I thought Jungkook wanted to take me out dancing or something."

That's a lie though, the moment I found this dress I knew Jimin and Jungkook had worked together and planned something. In moments like these, I'm not entirely sure if I want them to get along so well. They could team up against me someday...

"Sorry sweetheart, you're mine tonight."

I chuckle and take a few steps closer to him, his eyes scanning me once again. He's making me nervous with that stare of his, if he's not gonna quit looking at me like that I might have to go home a little earlier than he had planned.

Holding out his hand for me, I hesitate a full second before placing my hand in his. He intertwines our hands as he smiles down at me. We stare at each other for a few moments, enjoying the moment we've got ourselves wrapped up in. Our bubble where no one else exists, just the two of us.

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