7. Living Together

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It's been a month since my karaoke night with Jungkook, we had the absolute biggest fun.

But the biggest change I went through, was actually canceling my contract and moving into Jimin's place. He lives about the same distance from The Golden Diner as I did, so moving in with him didn't cause me any problems when it comes to my job.

The only thing that really has taken me some getting used to, was the fact that I was living with a guy for the first time in my life.

I've only ever had a female roommate.

And that bitch left me without so much as a proper goodbye, she just send me a fucking text about 12 hours after she had moved out of the apartment... I still can't wrap my head around it, I don't understand how she could just leave, even after everything we've been through. And as far as I know, we were on great terms, it's not like I did anything bad to her to deserve this treatment. Besides, I was the one constantly dealing with her nagging about my celibacy, and on top of that, I had to hear her and her new one-night stand moan almost every damn night.

I was glad that Jimin wanted to put some ground rules in place, but when he mentioned some of those rules... I felt rather awkward. Because I truly do not mind him wanting to set those rules because we'll be able to mention we're having sex that night. But at the same time, I don't exactly plan on having a one-night-stand any time soon, I'm not even planning to have sex any time soon... but it needs to be mentioned.

At the end of the day, it's nice that he wants to make sure neither of us is met with any awkward morning run-ins.

On top of that, we made the deal that we would try to notify each other as soon we know they might take someone back to the apartment, that way the remaining party at least has the possibility to arrange something else. For example, if Jimin were to let me know that he'd have a potential hook-up, I could call Jungkook and see if I could spend the night at his place to avoid the entire situation. If Jungkook wouldn't be able to let me stay at his place, I could try to get some noise-canceling headphones or something.. but we'll see how that goes.

It took us a while to actually get used to living together and his friends were rather surprised about my moving in with him when they came over just a couple of days after I had moved everything into his apartment. There were still a couple of boxes scattered around, some in my bedroom, some outside of my bedroom. Me being the klutz that I am walked into the hall without looking at my surroundings and randomly bumped into one of his friends, which also forced Jimin to tell them about me and the fact that I was moving in.


Sighing, I unpack yet another box. I thought I'd start easy with the two boxes that were filled with clothes, but my back feels a little stiff after unpacking those two boxes and placing everything in the dresser he already had in the bedroom.

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