4. Worries

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I have been working for 14 days straight.

I'm completely exhausted. The only reason why I've been working two weeks straight is that one of the waitresses at The Golden Diner quit and Jungkook was struggling to find a replacement for her. So in the meantime, he asked me if I could fill in for her by working double shifts so we wouldn't be at a disadvantage.

I, of course, couldn't say no to my favorite bunny and he was very well aware of it.

"Thank you so much for helping me out! You have no idea how grateful I am to have you in my life!" I rub my eye as I nod. "I know Kook, just take me home please." He smiles and picks me up bridal style. "I will don't worry and I gave you a week off so you can charge your battery and maybe even enjoy some time with that clumsy hottie of yours."

I chuckle as I lay my head on his shoulder. "He's not my clumsy hottie, although I wouldn't mind it if he were mine."

My comment causes Jungkook to giggle, which makes me smile. I love his laugh and I love how sweet and caring he is. It really bums me out sometimes that he's gay, he would've been the perfect boyfriend.

"What happened with you and him after he took you out to that dance club? I figured you two would've been a couple by now, I know how sexy you can get when you dance and it surprised me when you told me he didn't even make a move on you during or after the date."

I giggle and snuggle into his shoulder. "He's a gentleman, what else can I say. I guess he doesn't want to rush into anything and I honestly don't mind. We've only known each other for a month."

"Yeah, I guess it's nice there's some chivalry left in this world. Not many men know what the word even means." I scoff and shake my head. "Not many men know about the existence of the word."

We both laugh and he shakes his head as well. "Ain't that the truth."

"So have you found anyone yet? No guy lucky enough to steal my Kookie from me?" He stays silent, ignoring my question. Which can only mean that he hasn't had any luck and doesn't want to talk about it, or he found someone and he's too shy to share his experience with me. "Come on Kookie, talk to me. You know I won't judge you." He sighs and tightens his hold around me.

I'm sure we're receiving some weird looks from random pedestrians, but I live a short ten-minute walk away from the diner and Jungkook promised to carry me home as an extra reward for having his back over the past two weeks.

"I met a guy at a club yesterday, he's absolutely gorgeous and a great dancer. But two things keep bothering me." I simply nod against his shoulder and wait for him to continue. "First of all, I'm not sure if he's gay or even bi. Second, he kind of looked like a flirt and I'm just afraid that if I make a move, he's gonna dance all over my heart as my ex did."

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