Chapter 1

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"well, I hope you all have picked which high school you want to get into but we all know you've chosen UA" our teacher says. Everyone in class cheers but I sink further into my chair. If Kacchan finds out I've applied for UA he's going to kill me. "oh, it looks like Midoriya is also applying for UA." I internally groan as I try to melt into my chair to hide.
"what !" Kacchan's chair clatters to the floor as he harshly stands up. He comes over to me and blasts my desk leaving scorch marks. "I'm the only one from this class getting into UA!"
"I...I won't know...if I dont try." I say. Kacchan laughs.
"you're quirkless, there's no way someone like you can get into UA." Kacchan is told to go back to his seat and our teacher continues.

After class I try to pack my things as fast as possible to avoid Kacchan but, luck is against me. Kacchan snatches my analysis book from my hand and flips through the pages.
"nothing you do will make you good enough to be a hero, you need to have a quirk for that stupid nerd, how about, you pray for a quirk in your next life and take a swan dive of the building." Kacchan explodes my notes and throws them out the window. He leaves with his friends, or well, more like followers, laughing. 

I make my way out to find my notes. I pick up the burnt notes and looked up to the top of the building. I start making my way out of school to head home. On my way home I pass under a bridge when I am suddenly grabbed by a slimy substance.
"you'll be good enough!" I hear as the strange liquid slithered around my body and started forcing itself into my mouth cutting of my oxygen. "that's right, stop struggling" my lungs were burning from the lack of oxygen and black spots started to litter my vision. Suddenly a large gust of wind throws the sludge off me and I fall over. I quickly catch my breath and when I open my eyes I see All Might standing before me. He squats down in front of me and gently pats my cheek quickly.
"are you alright young man?" he asks. I quickly stand up and look around. I pick up my bag and books and then I picked up my hero analysis book. I open the latest page and I saw that All Might had already signed it.
"alright then, I've got the villain." he says mostly to himself.
"A...all might!" I ask quickly to get his attention. He turns around and looks at me with a little confusion on his face.
"can a quirkless person become a hero?" I ask. All might's face seems to drop a little and he let's out a sigh and turns around.
"no, a quirk less person cannot be a hero, it's too dangerous for those with quirks but there are other jobs that are heroic, like becoming a policeman!" he says before saying goodbye and jumping away. My hopes had been crushed by my hero. I turn around to head home.
"maybe Kacchan's right."

I soon make it home and I see mum standing in the kitchen. She turns towards me and give me a big smile.
"how was school?"
"it was good, I met All might today on my way home." I say sadly. She notices and immediately comes over to me.
"what's wrong baby?" she asks.
"I asked if a quirkless person can be a hero and he said no." mum immediately pulls me into a hug. I sink into the hug and sigh.
"you'll always be my hero, my little Izuku."
"mum, I'm not a child anymore." I say laughing. Mum smiles and cups my cheeks.
"you'll always be my little baby." she says.
"I know, I'll go get changed." I head to my room and sit my stuff on my bed. I look over to my All Might poster. I open my closet to get out some clothes. I was going to go down the beach to train. I wasn't giving up on my dream, not yet. Mum has supported me this whole time and I'm not putting that to waist just cause All Might told me I cannot become a hero. I put on my trackies and a long sleeved shirt. I pull on socks and then headed down stairs.
"I'm going to the beach." I say slipping on my running shoes.
"don't be out too long and be back in time for dinner." mum says.
"I will." I jog down to the beach and the started to practice my martial arts. I had long since cleaned up the dirty beach and made it, well, a beach. I jogged along the sand and practiced many forms of martial arts that I have learnt in my journey to being a hero without a quirk. Even though I feel happy with my decisions I still don't like telling others in quirkless. I can never know how they'll react to it and I don't want to lose friends because I'm quirkless.

A few weeks later were the tests for UA. I applied for both the Hero tests and the general studies tests. I knew that if i didn't get into the hero course right now there would be more chances in the future, as long as I'm at UA. The written tests were done first and I was pretty confident in myself in regards to the written tests.

The next day was the practical for the hero course. I stop infront of the gates to UA and take a deep breath. This is my chance to take a step towards my dream. I go to take my first step through the gate when my foot catches my leg and i start to fall towards the ground. I curse my bad luck as i watch the dirt approaching my face fast when suddenly i stopped. I am placed back onto my feet.

"Release" A soft voice speaks from next to me. I turn and see a girl with short brown hair in a bouncy looking bob. "it'd be bad if you tripped, don't want to start off on a bad foot, sorry for using my quirk on you without permission though."

"ah, thankyou, sorry for the trouble." I say shyly. my face heats up a little.

"well, good luck." she says, waving as she leaves. I head to the auditorium. I take a seat to hear the explanation of the test. When we are given flyers that illustrate four robots. My heart sinks when I see it. Soon Present Mic appears to talk us through the test. My hopes for passing quickly dimmed as Mic continued explaining how the test would work. Soon we were standing infront of a small scale city used for heroics training. I spot the girl from before and start to make my way over to her when I am stopped.

"Stop, can't you see she's getting ready, don't disturb her and ruin her concentration."

"ah, I...I'm sorry." I reply quietly. Suddenly Present Mic calls out that the test would be starting. When the gates opened everyone ran in. After the test I headed home.

"how did it go Izuku?" Mum asks.

"not good, I don't think I'll make it into the hero course." I say sadly. Mum comes over and gives me a big hug.

"but, you can always try again right?" she asks.

"yeah, UA allows students from other departments to transfer if they show enough skill, I'll do my best!" I say happily. Mum always manages to cheer me up.

A few days later my results arrive in the mail. I open the letter in my room wanting to hear it without mum. A small disk falls out into my hand and I place it on my desk a little confused when suddenly All Might appears.

"I AM HERE as a hologram! It is i All Might, I am appearing here to tell you your results and also to announce that i am becoming a teacher at UA for heroics, Izuku Midoriya, unfortunately you did not get enough points to get into the heroics classes, however you were able to get into general studies with very high marks, congratulations for getting into UA and remember, go above and beyond, PLUS ULTRA!" the hologram disappears and I sit back in my chair and sigh.

I didn't make it but, I still had a chance.

I go downstairs to tell my anxious mother my results. She was happy to here that I still had a chance and that I saved someone from one of the giant robots that did give me some more points. After dinner I lay in bed and stare at my ceiling. Even though I didn't get into the hero course I was still happy, not as happy as I would have been if I had gotten into the hero couse but I had still gotten into UA.

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