Chapter 15

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"Good job today class!" All Might bellows. "head back and get out of your hero uniforms and return to the classroom."

we return to our lockers and I could hear the other boys saying I should change in a separate area to them. I do my best to ignore them but when I return to our classroom I find out the girls had also been told at one point during the lesson and they too were kind of avoiding me.

Every time someone looked at me and whispered I felt more isolated. I wrote what I knew about my classmates into my notebooks. their weaknesses and strength and who I thought they would work best with. I also wrote down what kind of hero I thought their quirks best suited weather it be an attack hero, a rescue hero or a water rescue hero. Tsuyu would make a great water rescue hero.

It has been about a week since it was revealed by Kacchan. Shinso has been tyring to get me to talk and I do, only to him though.

Kacchan has been trying to ruin my school life even more but there's not much more he can do. He revealed my Quirklessness and my sexuality.

There wasn't much else he could do, I was used to his physical bullying.

One weekend I had gotten permission to go and see my mother. I wanted to get away from the school for a while and soon I was at home feeling safe and protected.

"Izuku, I have something I want to talk to you about." mum says sitting on the lounge next to me. I quickly mute the TV and turn to her.

Showing she has my full attention.

She smiles warmly and then sighs. Whatever she wanted to talk about was weighing heavy on her mind.

"It's about your father." she say.

"Dad?" I sit back a little confused. Mum has rarely spoke about Dad since I first asked about him. All I could remember about him was his fire quirk and his appearance because of the photos around the house.

"yes, I saw on the news that a villain named All For One was caught during the battle to rescue Katsuki." she says.

"...yeah, All Might defeated him." I say. "he's the main leader of the League of villains."

"he is your father." she says quietly.

"All...All For my dad?" I mumble. My fingers start to tingle and the sound of my heart gets louder in my ears when suddenly mum is grabbing my hands and squeezing them.

"Calm down Izu, it's okay, after he left I swore to never contact him and he left before you were born, I didn't even want to tell you but...I had to, you had to know who he is." she says.

"why...why would I need to know that?!"

"because, he might come after you, or his LOV might come after you to get leverage or for you to join them, I know you wont but I wanted to lessen the shock because you would find out." she explains.

"that...that makes sense," I breath "thanks mum, I need some time to think."

She squeezes my hands tightly.

"I didn't think he even knew I was pregnant, he left before I could tell him but a little after you were born her sent a just said 'it's mine isn't it', I was so scared he was going to come and take you from me."

I quickly pull mum into a hug as she starts to sob.

"it's alright mum, I'm never going to let them have their way."

Mum pulls away with a smile and wipes her eyes.

"that's my boy, my little Hero."

I slowly head up to my room thinking over our conversation. I close my door and lean against it. I look around my room at all the hero merch that I have. I slide down and hug my knees.

This life couldn't possibly get any worse.

Mum must've thought he was dead since he hasn't shown up in a while, since his last battle with All Might.

I look up at my desk at a photo mum had given me. It was a family photo of dad and her. I quickly hide it in a draw. Now every photo that I looked at fondly will leave a sour feeling in my gut.

I look at the time and sigh. I had to go back to school tomorrow.

"how am I meant to look at Kacchan and the others normally after this." I drop onto my bed and close my eyes. I just wanted to world to stop moving until I was done processing this information.

unluckily for me, that's not how time works.

The next day at school I felt guilty.

I knew I hadn't done anything wrong, I didn't know who he was to me, but I still felt it.

I notice Shinso keeping his eye on me. He knew something was bothering me.

I was just hoping he didn't try to ask about it because I didn't want to talk about something I have barely processed yet.

I started talking less while processing the huge bomb mum had dropped onto me.

"Midoriya what's wrong?" Shinso asks.

"ah, nothing, I'm just thinking about something." I say trying not to sound nervous.

"something's got you worried and you're avoiding everyone now, if you cannot figure it out yourself you can always talk to me." he says.

"Thanks Shinso but I want to think about it on my own for now."

A few of my classmates have started talking to me again now that they have had time to process my sexuality.

Ashido and Tsuyu never changed though, neither did Kaminari and Kirishima.

They came over to me to express how angry they were that Kacchan would reveal something so personal and that they were there if I ever needed help.

Ashido and Tsuyu are dating and Kaminari and Kirishima are gay and bisexual but, still single.

They said that like it is a bad thing.

It is nice to have friends in class that understand what it's like to have a different sexual preference to others.

How am I meant to act around them now? I don't think I'll ever be able to act normal, every time I look at my classmates I just remember the trouble the LOV has put them through and it reminds me that I'm related to that bastard that is controlling the LOV.

Hello Owlets!

Here we are, the long awaited next chapter.

Thankyou all for your patience and I hope this chapter lives up to your expectations. I'm not too happy with it but I'm still kinda in a writers black and for the moment this is the best I can do, I'll start working on the next chapter and try to get it out faster but if this block lasts any longer it might take a little while for me to complete the next chapter seeing as how I have a weird obsession with having each chapter be over 1000 words.

Anyway, again, thankyou for your support and patience and I hope you enjoy the chapter. I have a few things panned for this story and I hope they turn out as well as I want them to so please look forward to that.


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