Chapter 14

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A few weeks after our test we were in class doing self study.
"Midoriya, what's this one?" Shinso asks. I turn around to have a look at his paper when the classroom door opens and our names are called. We look over to see Aizawa-sensei.
"Come here, I need to speak to you." he says. We both follow Aizawa-sensei into the hallway and he leads us to a small office where we all sit down to talk.

"congratulations, you both have been accepted to transfer into the hero course." Aizawa-sensei says.

"Really?!" I ask.

"I can't believe it, we did it." Shinso gapes.

"you both will be joining 1A," Aizawa-sensei continues.

"1A?, there should only be one position in 1A," I say "And it should be given to Shinso." I quickly add.

"There's no need to worry about that, one of the students in 1A is being transferred to 1B, he is not meeting 1A's standards so you both will be joining 1A."

"I'd rather be away from Kacchan..." I mumble.

"Don't worry Midoriya, you've earned that position just as he has, if Bakugo says anything we can show him our strength." Shinso says with a smirk. The closest the boy gets to a smile.

"If Bakugo says anything about you being in 1A or that you're quirkless I will handle it, UA doesn't tolerate any bulling or discriminating thanks to our principal, he will be dealt with accordingly if he causes too much trouble." Sensei says standing up. "you will be starting classes in 1A next week."

He leaves us in the room, in silence to process everything we had been told.

"We need to celebrate" Shinso suddenly says. "we both made it into the hero course, to 1A."

"Yeah, I'll ask mum, we can have a small party and have dinner!" I say quickly pulling my phone from my pocket. Shinso does the same and messages his parents.

We set up a small party with our parents as we return to class.

That afternoon we went out for dinner to celebrate.

It was a fun night, after dinner mum took us to an arcade where we played games before heading home. Shinso stays over that night and we headed to school together the next morning.

After a week we got some extra supplies that we would need before starting our new classes in 1A. I was really nervous, I didn't know how the other students in 1A would react to me being there.

I already know what Kacchan would say but I'm sure Sensei has told them not to say anything otherwise they'd get into trouble.

That doesn't stop me from hesitating at the giant door labelled 1A.

I take a deep breath before reaching out to grab the door handle .


I jump back and quickly turn around to see Shinso.

I watch as a smirk appears on his lips.

"it's not funny," I grumble.

"stop worrying so much, you'll still have me if no one wants to be your friend." he says grabbing the handle.

He pulls the door open and we walk into the classroom. I hide a little behind Shinso. The others of 1A were chatting but stopped the moment we walked in.

"Welcome to 1A, I am Iida Tenya, I am the class representative." he announces.

"Good for you," Shinso deadpans. I fight back a giggle.

"Nice to meet you Iida-kun." I say happily. Iida looks at me and gives me an awkward smile before nodding and returning to his desk. Shinso and I go to our desks at the back. We had been seated next to each other, thank god.

Soon, Aizawa-sensei comes into the classroom and everyone quiets down for the lesson to begin.

"I'm sure you all have notice that Midoriya and Shinso are now in the class, they have now officially been transferred to 1A and are part of this class and the hero course, they are behind you all who have been training in this class since the start of the year but do not underestimate them, they have been training themselves and with me to make it into this class and have earned their spot in this class and now that that's over, get your costumes and head to ground beta." Aizawa-sensei says before leaving. The wall behind up opens to show cases and the others grab their cases and leave the room. Shinso and I follow suite with our own cases.

"Hey Deku, are you still gay like when we were in middle school?" I stare at Kacchan horrified.

"you're gay Midoriya?" Kirishima asks.

"yeah and there's no way he's the one that gives, he definitely takes." Kacchan says smirking. I look back into my locker feeling horrible.

I wasn't keeping my sexuality a secret but I wasn't planning on advertising it for the whole world to know.

I feel my face heat up and my nose starts to sting with the effort of holding back tears.

"hey, back off."

"you're defending him, he's a failure of a man."

"you're even more of a failure if you think that means anything, I'm bisexual, I like both women and men." Shinso growls.

"At least you still like women." Kirishima says quietly. I notice Shinso moving next to me and I quickly grab his arm.

"Let...let's just get going, Aizawa-sensei will be waiting." I give him a smile but I could feel it wobbling. Shinso simply nods.

We get changed quickly and headed out first.

when we arrived at ground beta, not only was Aizawa-sensei waiting but so was All Might.

Aizawa frowns when he spots us.

"What happened?"

"nothing," I say quietly. He immediately looks at Shinso.

"Bakugo revealed a secret Midoriya was keeping." he says.

"it wasn't really a secret," I grumble.

"but you didn't want the others to know."


"I see, can I know what he revealed, I need to know so I can think of how to punish him." Aizawa-sensei says folding his arms.

"he revealed my..." I pause and glare at the grass, the stinging in my nose returning.

"his sexuality, Bakugo told everyone Midoriya's sexuality." Shinso finishes.

"I see," was all Aizawa-sensei says before the rest of our class joins us. The boys made sure to stay away from me as much as they could, except for Shinso.

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