Chapter 7

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"the Hero students will be doing their internships soon." I say.


"Do you want to do some training today or maybe just do homework?"

"training, I'd choose that over homework any day." Shinso-kun says.

"Yeah." I reply laughing.

"Shinso Hitoshi!" We both stop at Shinso-kun's name being called out. Aizawa-sensei comes over to us. He looks between the two of us before turning to Shinso-kun. "Shinso, I believe you have the capacity to be an underground hero, I'd like to train you while my class is doing their internships."

"Really!" Shinso-kun asks happily.

"yes, our quirks are similar because they provide no boost to help us fight others who are stronger, I can help teach you how to utilise your quirk to fight others, to capture villains, so, your answer?" he asks. I notice Shinso-kun hesitating.

"go on Shinso-kun, it's your dream to be a hero, this is the chance you've been wanting." I say. Shinso-kun gives me a small smile and then agrees to becoming Aizawa-sensei's student.

"then, are you able to follow me, I'd like to discuss a few things." Aizawa-sensei says.

"yeah." Shinso-kun says. Just before they leave though Shinso-kun turns to me remembering we had training today.

"Don't worry, I can train myself." I say waving. I head home. I was a little sad that only Shinso-kun was asked to be trained but it was due to his hard work as well and I should be happy for him. I let out a big sigh.

"Let's go train..."

The next day after classes I started to head home when Shinso-kun stops me from leaving.

"follow me." he says. I was confused but followed him anyway. We went to one of UA's many training grounds that had a forest in it. Shortly after entering the forest I see Aizawa-sensei waiting.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Shinso asked if I could train you as well, since you want to be a hero and have a non-battle oriented quirk as well." Aizawa-sensei says.

"really, you asked that?"

"Yeah, you helped me to get to this point, how could I not ask." Shinso-kun says.

"but why?" I mumble.

"do I really have to say it?" Shinso-kun asks. When I didn't respond Shinso-kun sighs. He turns away from me and I notice his ears turning slightly pink "you're my...friend."

"Thank you Shinso-kun!"

"now with that out of the way, Midoriya, what's your quirk?" Aizawa-sensei asks "Shinso says he doesn't know."

"um..." I look at the ground. I knew Aizawa-sensei would have access to documents to find out that I am quirkless regardless of what I say but that didn't mean I wanted to say it out loud. Shinso-kun was still here as well and I still worried about how he'd react to finding out. Quirkless people are looked down upon even more than those with so called 'villainous' quirks.

"you want to be a hero, I need to know your quirk to help you train." Aizawa-sensei says.

"the...the thing is sensei, I...I'm quirkless." I keep my eyes glued to the grass, I didn't want to see their faces.

"Quirkless?" Shinso-kun says.

"hm, that's going to be difficult" I hear Aizawa-sensei mutter. I quickly look up and wave my hands.

"you don't have to train me if you don't want to, Shinso-kun, thank you for asking." I say. I wanted to run away.

"No, I'll train you, you have potential, I only pay attention to those who have potential." Aizawa-sensei says. We use this day to explore schedules and training programs around our strengths and weaknesses.

"have you ever trained your quirk Shinso?" Aizawa-sensei asks.

"yes, Midoriya-kun has helped me train it." Shinso-kun says.


"by letting me take control of him, because of that training I can make the person I'm controlling do more complex things than what I was able to do before." Shinso-kun explains. "he also trained me in some martial arts."

"Midoriya is the one that taught you martial arts?"


"I learnt because I'm quirkless." I say.

I was still a little shy about saying that I'm quirkless but they both seemed to have accepted it pretty well.

That didn't ease my anxiety about it though.

After talking to Aizawa-sensei for a few hours Shinso-kun and I headed home. On our way out of school and down the streets to home we walked in silence. We made it to the area where we have to go different ways.

"w...well, see you tomorrow." I say.

"Midoriya-kun," I stop, dreading what was going to come next. "Don't worry about being quirkless, I don't care." I hear Shinso-kun's steps as he started walking away from me.

I made my way home, when I got home I flop onto my bed. I was stunned, he didn't care that I am quirkless and Aizawa-sensei says I have potential, even though I'm quirkless!

"Izuku, dinner is ready." Mum calls out from downstairs.


The next day I meet up with Shinso-kun on our way to school. He acted completely normal, like nothing had happened and he wasn't hit with the bomb that his friend is actually quirkless.

After classes we met Aizawa-sensei in the same forest as yesterday and started our training. Aizawa-sensei was training us both in the same scarf that he uses when fighting villains. He also organises some supporting equipment for us both. Shinso-kun got a voice changing mask that concealed his mouth and allowed him to change his voice. It could be used to trick his opponents into responding to him.

I got two quirk nullifying cuffs, a bo staff that could be compressed and extended and some nunchucks. We then trained with our support equipment.

"that's enough for today." Aizawa-sensei announces. "even if I cannot help you during the afternoon's I don't want you to slack on your training."

"don't worry sensei, I have trained since middle school." I sas.

"Midoriya has been helping me train since the start of the year." Shinso says.

"hm, you've stopped using honorifics with each other." Aizawa says noticing.

"yeah, Shinso suddenly said that it is annoying to use them with each other." I say smiling.

"Midoriya was extremely happy when I suggested to drop them." Shinso says.

"well, off you go, head home and get some rest." Aizawa-sensei says.

"Yes sir."

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