Chapter 4

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The day before the sport festival Shinso-kun and other students from general studies went to 'declare war' on the hero course students. To suss them out and see what they are like.
"want to come Midoriya-kun?" Shinso-kun asks.
"ah, no, I'll stay here." I say.
"alright." Shinso-kun and the others leave to go to class 1A's classroom.

I sigh. If I went I would have seen Kacchan and he would have said something about me being quirkless. I know it's going to happen sooner or later and I hope that it is later and not sooner.

The next day all classes lined up in front of the stage for the beginning of the sport festival. Kacchan is called up as a representative and declares he's going to be number one and nothing more before getting off the stage.

This causes everyone to start cursing class 1A. I felt sorry for them, having to deal with Kacchan.
"okay, for the first event of the festival, it's going to be..." Midnight-sensei spins the wheel of events and we all wait expectantly to see what it's going to be. "obstacle course!"

Soon we were all at the start of the race line getting ready for the buzzer. When the buzzer goes off everyone tries to run through the narrow tunnel. Everyone was pushing and squirming to try and get past each other.

Suddenly I felt a cold breeze.

My gut told me to lift my feet from the floor and so I did. Just in time for a layer of ice to appear and trap everyone who still had contact with the ground. All of 1A were able to avoid it and make it out first. I make my way out and continue on after them. Todoroki-kun and Kacchan were in the front which didn't surprise me at all.

Suddenly a few of the robots from the hero test appeared including a zero pointer. When they were unbalanced Todoroki-kun freezes them. I see some people trying to run past them now that they had stopped moving but it felt dangerous, they weren't stable.

I hear the ice start cracking and the sound of creaking metal could be heard as they shifted. I spot Shinso-kun running forward and I run over and quickly grab his arm to stop him.
"What are you doing!" He asks.
"the robots are going to fall." I say. Immediately after the Ice gives way and the robots collapse to the ground. "let's go now."

I pull Shinso-kun and start running towards a robot to climb over. We make it over and continue along the course.

Soon we make it to a large, bottomless looking pit with little islands and rope attaching them. Shinso-kun hesitate when he sees the next obstacle.
"let's go, we trained for this!" I say determined.
"yeah but not for a 100 metre drop." He says.
"don't worry, if we fall the heroes will help us, they won't let the students get badly hurt." I comment. I tug Shinso-kun's arm and he starts to follow after me. I run across the rope keeping my balance because of my training. Shinso-kun follows after me.

After the pitfall there was a giant stretch of landmines. They weren't strong but enough to startle and slow the students down. I could see them clearly. I start to run across the minefield avoiding the mines and catching up to those in 1A that were infront. I run through the finish line and Shinso-kun follows shortly after me. We weren't first but we weren't last. We had made it to the second round.
"We made it Shinso-kun."  I say happily.
"Midoriya-kun!" I turn towards my name to see Uraraka-san running towards me.
"Uraraka-san." I say happily.
"you made it past the first round, great job!" She says happily.
"you too Uraraka-san." I say smiling. "Uraraka-san, this is Shinso-kun, a friend of mine." I say.
"I saw you yesterday!" Uraraka-san says.
"yeah, Shinso-kun went to declare war on the hero classes, I didn't go." I say.
"it's okay, good luck Midoriya-kun, Shinso-kun." Uraraka-san says before running back to her group of friends from 1A.
"so, she's the one you know from 1A?" Shinso-kun asks.
"yeah, she calls me her friend but I feel weird being called her friend since I don't talk to her that much, I consider you my friend more than her because I'm with you more." I say.
"the length of time you know someone doesn't determine friendship." Shinso-kun says.
"then are we friends?" I ask. Shinso-kun remains silent but doesn't say no. I grin and headed to the group to hear Midnight-sensei.
"congratulations for passing the first round, our next activity is, Calvary battles!" Midnight-sensei says happily.
"the student that came first in the obstacle race has the most points, the more points you snatch during this Calvary battle the higher you get on the leader board."
"there's only a certain number of positions for those passing to the 1v1 fights, we need to win this battle Shinso-kun!" I say.
"I have a plan to get people to join our group." Shinso-kun says.
"What's that?" I ask.
"my quirk." Shinso-kun says.

Shinso-kun uses his quirk to get people to join our Calvary team. Shinso-kun was the one being the rider, the rest of us were the horse. Soon the Calvary battle started and everyone tried to fight with Kacchan and Todoroki-kun since they were the first and second positions and got the most points. If we stole one of their bands we would be able to pass this round. We sole a bunch of others to get enough points to pass if we failed to get one of the bigger bands. We tried to get Todoroki-Kun's band but didn't succeed. We still passed the round though and made it to the 1v1 round.

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