Chapter 17

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"Midoriya, can you come with me." I look up to Aizawa-sensei standing in front of my desk.

He looked normal, nothing stood out but a wave of uneasiness washed over my body.

I nod and stand up to follow him.

Soon I am being ushered into a meeting room with a few of my teachers and Principal Nezu.

My fear jumps tenfold.

"AH, Midoriya-kun, thankyou for coming." Principal Nezu says happily.

I didn't exactly feel like I had a choice, Aizawa-sensei is my teacher, how could I refuse him when I had no reason to.

"Why have I been called, have I done something wrong?" I ask sitting down when Aizawa-sensei pulls out a chair and points to it.

"Not at all, it's just that something interesting has been brought to our attention." Principal Nezu says.

I look at him, confusion replacing the fear. What could have possibly been brought to their attention.

I couldn't think of anything.

"it seems, you cannot think of what I am referring to." Principal Nezu says. I nod and he sighs. "Midoriya-kun, it has come to our attention the you are All For One's son."

My chest starts to ache. The room suddenly felt as though it was deprived of oxygen.

It felt like I was underwater. Even my teachers voices were just sounds in the background of my thoughts.

They know, They know, They know.

Suddenly my eyes are covered and someone is holding my hands causing me to listen more to understand what is happening around me.

"Can you hear me now Midoriya, focus on my voice, I'll go through a breathing exercise." It is Aizawa-sensei's voice. He sounded concerned. "okay, breath in, one, two, three, out, one, two, three, four, in, one, to, three," He continues with the breathing exercise and I followed what he was saying and soon my eyes were uncovered. I find that my teachers were watching me with worried expressions.

"I'm sorry to have caused you a panic attack Midoriya-kun." Principal Nezu says. Aizawa-sensei lets go of my hands and moves away from me.

"Um, no, sorry, I...I wasn't expecting anyone to know, I've only told one person and I know they wouldn't tell others without my permission." I say.

How did they find out, did mum tell them? But why, she didn't tell me until AFO got caught and she wanted to make sure I was prepared if the LOV decided to take advantage of my being AFO's son. Shinso would not have said anything without talking to me or asking me first.

"I believe it was a student that informed Aizawa-kun about it but I'm afraid I cannot reveal their identity, I hope you understand." Principal Nezu says.

"...okay" I sigh. I take a deep breath to get ready. "what does me being his son have to do with anything?"

"nothing Midoriya-kun, we are just concerned that the LOV that AFO controlled will try to draw you into their clutches." Principal Nezu says.

"too late." I grumble.

"What do you mean Midoriya?" Aizawa-sensei asks.

"The LOV already 'kidnapped' me, Shigaraki asked me to join them and I said no, he told me he'd let me go this once because I am his Masters son but that he'd kill me the next time."

"and you didn't think to tell anyone?" Present mic-sensei asks.

"I told mum."

"young Midoriya, how much do you know about AFO?" All Might asks.

"nothing, all I know is that he's my dad, he left before I was born and I was only told after he was taken to prison, mum didn't even know if he was still alive or even in Japan." I grumble "you wont reveal this will you?"

"Of course not, this will be between us." Principal Nezu.

"What about the person who told you?" I ask.

"We cannot reveal who it was but we have asked them to keep it to themselves now that we know." Principal Nezu says.

I squeeze my hands together.

That means everyone will know eventually. No one can keep their mouths shut about something like this even if told by the principal.


Soon after I was allowed to return to class.

"What'd they want you for?" Shinso asks.

I lean on his desk to get closer to him so I didn't have to speak too loud.

"They know."

"Oh..." Shinso looks at his desk and then grabs my hand that was gripping the table's edge tightly. He gives me a strong nod and determined eyes. I smile at this before moving to my desk.

Over the next two days my classmates, except Shinso started to avoid me again unless they couldn't. I knew the person who informed the teachers had told the class. That meant it was someone from 1A.

They must have heard through my dorm when I told Shinso.

I also notice, though subtle, security went up.

It took a little more to be able to visit mum but my weekend visits helped me escape my classmates eyes.

I was just glad it was still only 1A that seemed to know, I was sure that would eventually change.

Rumours will always spread.

"Have you done your homework for Present Mic's class?" Shinso asks.

"Course, do you want me to help you?" I ask.



Shinso and I freeze at the word and look around to see most people in the hall 'secretly' peeking at us and then whispering to their friend groups. My anxiety skyrocketed but I notice a scowl on Shinso's face.

I remember that he was treated harshly because of his quirk. A lot of people called it villainous which is ridiculous.

I also know though that everyone knew I was quirkless now and adding the fact that I am AFO's son, the most evil villain at this point in time didn't help my situation.

"Let's go." I quickly say tugging shinso's shirt.

"Kay." he grumbles following after me.

we spend the rest of the afternoon in my dorm doing homework and chatting.

Hey Owlets!

I hope you enjoy these two new chapters. I am sorry to say that it might be a while before the next chapter because I have no idea how I am going to write it.

I had a hard enough time with chapters 16 + 17, I don't feel very happy with them but at the moment I don't think I can pull out anything better.

Don't hesitate to leave comments and suggestions, even story suggestions, like different AU ideas if you want to see how I'd write a certain type of story.

Thankyou for your patience as always.

This series has 20 chapters and we're already up to 17, I hope you all look forward to the ending and are not too disappointed by it ending. I will do my best to have another series coming out soon.

I'm am going to however start writing the whole story before publishing anything so you will get all the chapters at once and will be able to binge read!

it also takes a lot of pressure off me from feeling rushed to finish since I know people are expecting new chapters.

Anywho, I hope you enjoy and have enjoyed the story so far!


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