Authors note.

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Hey Owlets!

I know it might've seen like I was dead other than the odd response here and there in comments but I'm still here. I have been working a bit lately and haven't had much motivation to write but I finally felt like writing and decided to start with Zero to Hero first because i have been reading fanfictions again and I got a comment on it as well that prompted me to start writing this one again because i wanted to explore how i am going to write Izuku and Shinso's blossoming friendship and road to becoming Hero! I have also come up with an idea to add some drama and i hope i am able to write it well.

I also hope the you all enjoy the story. I hope the long wait and the thought of waiting so long again doesn't deter you from reading this. I'll try not to leave my stories sitting in the dust for so long again but i cannot promise anything.

Please remember that if there is a story that i've written that isn't completed I will not drop it, I will never drop a story i just might need reminding that it exists because I tend to get off track and forget about some of them. Especially when I come up with a new idea and focus on that one for a while.

thankyou for your patience!


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