Chapter 5

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"the 1v1 battles line up has been decided, please have a look to see who your opponent is." Midnight-sensei says. I look at the board but complete dread fills my stomach. I look to Shinso-kun who was standing next to me. He looks over to me and I give him a shy smile.
"Don't throw the fight, I want a fair fight." he says.
"...okay Shinso-kun." I say.
"First round, from general studies Hitoshi Shinso and also from general studies Izuku Midoriya!" Midnight-sensei announces.

Since I know about Shinso-kun's quirk I knew what I needed to do to avoid it and I knew he would do everything he could to get me to talk but I have helped to teach him how to fight so he does know hand to hand but is not as good as me.

Every way I looked at it I had a better chance at wining this fight than Shinso.

I wasn't going to hold back, he didn't want that and so I would fight to my fullest but that doesn't make me feel any better about this situation. The moment Midnight Sensei announces the start of our battle Shinso runs towards me. I smile. He wasn't going to try and get me to talk right from the start. We start to fight hand to hand and a few spectators yell out to us to use our quirks. It annoyed me quite a bit.

"we both know who's going to win this battle." Shinso-kun says.

There was always a chance he'd beat me one way or another. He does have one thing on me and that's his quirk. Shinso-kun knows that I will not respond unless he says the right thing and one such thing has to do with the fact that I'm quirkless but he doesn't know I'm quirkless.

Shinso-kun smiles and stands straight becoming more relaxed. "Come on Midoriya-kun, let's just treat this as training."

He then charges at me. He starts to throw punches and kicks at me in quick succession. He had improved quite a lot since we started training together, however, he wasn't the only one who improved. I catch one of his punches and pull him closer to me. I step through his legs and hook one of his legs with my own bringing it forward and tripping Shinso-kun. As he fell Shinso-kun brings his legs closer to his body and kicks my stomach forcing me to let him go.

He stood back up and get ready to continue while I was getting my breath back. He started attacking me once again like before but he was more aware of what i was doing so he could read me faster. I continue to doge his attacks and notice he was forcing me to the edge of the arena. A plan comes to mind and i allow myself to get pushed right to the edge. Shinso- kun tries to hide a small smile when he sees that i was at the edge. He throws a punch and I side step away from it, grabbing his arm and pulling him past me forcing him to fall over the edge of the arena.

"The winner is Izuku Midoriya!" Midnight Sensei announces. I jump down and hold out my hand for Shinso-kun. Shinso-kun looks at it and for a moment I remembered my childhood, why Kacchan refused my help because I am quirkless. I start to pull my hand away but it is tightly grasped and Shinso-kun uses me to pull himself to his feet.

"Thanks..." he says.

The battles after Shinso-kun and my battle went by fast and a lot flashier than our battle. After our battle was Sero-kun and Todoroki-kun's battle, their battle ended in a flash because of how powerful Todoroki-kun's quirk is. After watching Kaminari-kun and Shiozaki-san's battle I came to one conclusion.

"Kaminari-kun isn't really bright." I voice. I hear a small snort next to me and I look over to Shinso-kun.

"It's like his brain short circuits because of his quirk." Shinso-kun says.

"there's that but that's only after he over uses his quirk, I meant normally." I explain.

"you're rather blunt Midoriya-kun." Shinso-kun says.

"I've learnt it's best to be straight forward," I say "in most situations."

After Kaminari-kun and Shiozaki-san's battle Iida-kun and Hatsume-san had their battle but it turned into nothing more than advertisement for Hatsuma-san's inventions or 'babys' as she referred to them as.

"so, you can have support items as long as you made them yourself,"

"yeah, it's to make it fair against those from the hero course who are getting combat training." Shinso-kun says.

"That make sense." I reply thinking. "maybe we could have done that."

"maybe." Shinso-kun mumbles, watching the next battle.

As expected most of the winners were from 1-A. I was the only one who won who isn't from a hero course class. I could tell a lot of the students were surprised but really it was all up to the draw. Mina-san wins against Aoyama-kun by exploiting his weakness, which she knew from their classes together. The next battle was Tokoyami-kun and Yaomomo-san.

"she's like you Midoriya-kun." Shinso-kun says suddenly.

"how?" I ask.

"She thinks too much, the difference between the two of you is that you're not afraid to act on the plan you come up with under stress or in the middle of battles." I look back to the fight infront of us.


The battle against Kirishima-kun and Tetsutetsu-kun ended in a draw because of how similar their quirks are.

They were almost identical.

The last battle of the first round was Kacchan and Uraraka-san. I really thought Uraraka-san's plan would have worked. Who knew Kacchan was such a brute that he'd blow up all of the debris that Uraraka-san had floating above them to drop on him.

There was a small break so the arena could be fixed for the second round. My battle was first, I was going against Todoroki-kun and I had no idea what I was going to do. His quirk is super powerful. I was pissed he was only using half of his quirk. I wanted to make him see that he will need his fire to become a hero whether he liked it or not.

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