✿ Stormy Nights | Atsushi x Reader

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I like this song so yeah I might use it again soon. It's currently raining at mine and I thought about writing this but instead of Dazai I chose Atsushi and this is what I got.

Enjoy :)

Another restless night has arrived, it was early in the night when the thunder came in making such a loud Thud.
Rain pouring down hard as the sky filled with liquid flooding the streets, moonlight shines over you and your boyfriend you smiled at the sight of him.

You snuggled into his chest and you messed with his fluffy white hair, he woke up as you gave him a tiny kiss on his cheek.

" Hmm... y/n? Why are you still awake...?"

Atsushi asked while pushing your hair behind your ear slightly smiling at you, a soft blush brushed your cheeks when you saw those purple to yellow eyes of his. Thunder strikes once again you jumped and embraced the boy quietly sobbing out of fear, he hugged you tightly and hushed you to calm down.

"Shh, don't worry it's alright."

He spoke out giving you soft kisses as time passes on, your heart pounding but suddenly slowing down back to normal when the thunder stopped as only rain remained still pouring harshly.

You calmed down enjoying the rainfall as it softens your mind and your feelings you met with his quiet voice.

" Are you okay now? "

He smiled softly again nearly falling asleep as he patted your head, closing his eyes while you nodded to reply. More time passed by the sounds of the clock keeping you up as you remain in your warm embrace with Atsushi, you noticed he fell asleep trying to make you feel more comfortable but sadly failing.

" Goodnight Nakajima.."

You whispered and fell asleep afterward, finally accepting the night given to you.


Sadly this only has 307 words to it not including this a/n as I was drawing while watching things about the story of Resident Evil 8 including the 4 guardians in the game, currently 1am in the morning now and I'll see you guys soon again once I get an idea.

Bye bye :D

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