✿ Sweet Tooth | Ranpo

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Please do try this song while reading this! :D


Feeling sick of myself, think I'll try to be someone else.

A tired sigh came out of your mouth while finishing up your work, at last, Ranpo was just snacking on his lollipop noticing how exhausted you looked to be.

" Hey, y/n aren't you tired from all that work?"

He walked over to your desk resting an arm over your shoulder, you were finished with your document, you saved it then closed your laptop.

" I just need a little break that's all Ranpo-san. "

You said taking another sip of coffee only to find out it was already empty, you let out another sigh while Ranpo came up with an idea.

" Why don't we get some food at the cafe on the first floor? It Might help you out! "

" Aren't you busy with missions? "

" Not at all, I'm hungry anyway so how about it? "

" Sure let's go! "

" Alright, c'mon y/n! "

And you know I find it hard to understand...

Ranpo said pointing his finger at you while you happily agreed, grabbing your phone and other essentials like your wallet cause you didn't want you're senior to pay for your meals, where's the respect in that?

Pay a visit to the doctor cause I have,

You both went down to cafe Uzumaki and sat down at one of the tables until one of the waitresses came up to offer you both the menu, you ended up ordering a ( Your favourite Food or snack along with your favourite drink ) While Ranpo went to get some Mild spicy curry.

A sweet tooth for you,

" Thank you Ranpo-san for this idea, definitely gave me more energy."

I'm wide awake.

" Not a problem y/n-chan! Even as a detective we should care about others around us right? "

He gave his signature smirk while opening his eyes putting his glasses on, waiting for your meals. Gazing at his emerald eyes sparkling with delight once he saw your food arrive.

The sugar went straight to,

" Uwah! That looks delicious y/n! Can I try some? Please?"

" No Ranpo-san you already had enough snacks as of today. "

My brain.

Ranpo sighed and took a spoonful of curry and ate it while you on the other hand only drank your ( Favourite Drink. )

" Aren't you gonna eat that? If you won't then I'll just take it-"

" No! "

Feel like a kid, I double-tap.

You told him as you took a bite from your meal while keeping eye contact with the detective. Just as you finished you called up the waitress and asked for the bill, you got your wallet out and took some money but he immediately stopped you and placed money instead.

My Chest with my Fist.

" I'll pay for it don't worry."

" But it's not polite for me to not pay for my meal-"

" I offered for us to eat together, and the way you looked at me was adorable in my defence. "

I like you,

As he whispered the last part it was enough for you to hear, both of your cheeks were heated but you pushed it off with a giggle. You both settled on paying half and left without a word being said for the rest of the day.

Say it back.

I think I write angst better lol- not sure, anyway have fun and I could use some requests from time to time, bye 🤩

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