(1)Attack on H.Y.R.D.A

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Y/n Maximoff

I stand with my back facing flat against a brick wall. I take rapid deep breaths in attempt to calm my nerves as the H.Y.D.R.A. base rattles from bombs and explosions. My fear grows stronger at each blast as my whole body shakes.

Faster than the speed of light, my older brother Pietro appears in front of me, followed by my sister and his twin, Wanda.

"We must go, they want to send us out." He says to me.

"I can't. Pietro, I'm not ready." I say shaking my head, tears dwelling in my eyes. Wanda stands next to me and takes my hand in hers.

"Do not be afraid. We have trained for this. If we're smart and work together, everything will go as planned." She says as another blast hits, this time closer to us.

I quickly look up to the crumbling ceiling as my eyes glow red. I can feel the presence entering the building and it only makes my mind feel heavy. "Stark is here." I breathed. Wanda and Pietro exchange a look as they also breathe heavy.

"I will take care of the outside attack. You two find whoever has made it in." He says before quickly hugging us. "Be careful." Wanda says to him before he disappears leaving a streak of blue mist.

"Let's go." Wanda spoke to me before taking my hand and leading me through the halls of the H.Y.D.R.A. base.

Making our way through the building, we passed the man who ran our base- Baron Strucker- as he was faced with a tall, muscular man wearing a blue, red & white suit, holding a circular shield.

As Wanda and I approached them, we heard the mention of a Sceptre, it being clear that Strucker was stalling, not wanting to tell the man where it was.

Wanda let go of my hand and nodded her head towards the two men, signalling me to follow her lead.

"You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope." Strucker says to the man as we approached him from behind so they couldn't see us. "I'll put it right under illegal human experimentation." The man replies.

"How many are there?" He asks right before Wanda and I strike him in the chest with red energy from our hands, knocking him down a set of stairs.

Strucker gives me a nod with a sickening smirk on his face like he's so proud.

As we see the man quickly rise to his feet and run towards us, we back away and slam the door separating us from him. Now making our way to the Sceptre.

In a room full of weapons and destructive machines, Wanda and I stay hidden as we hear another man's muffled voice from behind a wall.

"Please, be a secret door. Please, be a secret door." He says while lightly pushing his hands against what looks to be a brick wall but is in fact a secret door. His force revealing a tunnel into the room where Wanda and I hid.

As the man makes his way into our view, it was clear. The man was Tony Stark.

He slowly walks into the large room which was filled with machines that would be used in battle. The biggest one being what looked like a huge wale covered in vibranium armour. It's mouth being two rows of massive, scary and pointy teeth.

Stark makes his way over to a coffin-like metal box that contains a robot being prepared. The glowing blue light catches  his eye not far from him. He quickly realizes its exactly what he's been looking for... the sceptre

As he approached it, he spoke "Thor, I've got eyes on the prize."

While his gaze is set on the glowing object I quickly follow up behind him. With one hand near either side of his head, I released magic through my fingertips and into his mind.

Although he did not react immediately, it was clear to him the his vision was altered when he gently shakes his head. As he turns around to check that he's alone, the large shark-like machine lets out a growl and flies over him. Thus revealing a pile of what must be his teammates.

At the top is what looks to be a green muscular monster with four arrows piercing through him as he lays there, nearly lifeless and letting out short huffs of air.

Not far from him is a red haired woman in a black suit, followed by a bloody man with a bag full of arrows on is back, sitting up straight with his head hanging down. As well as a God-Like man wearing heavy armour, a red cape, and a large hammer next to his body.

The closest to Tony looks to be the man we had saw earlier talking to Strucker. Only this time, he seems to be dead and his shield was next to him, split in half right through the big white star.

Tony quickly goes the the man with the shield and got on one knee to check his pulse. In a sudden motion, the man grabs hold of Tony's wrist and mutters to him while trying to catch his breath. "You.. could've.. saved..us"

Suddenly the man goes limp and breathless, with blood running out of his nose. Tony looks around him with fear glistening in his eyes at what he saw, as dozens of floating creatures moved through a portal towards earth.

He shoots up and looks around him once more, the visions I put in his head disappearing. He pants with sweat dripping down his face, as Wanda and I stand far from him next to a fixture used to hold up the ceiling.

Pietro came speeding silently into the room and stopped next to us. He watches as Stark eyes the glowing sceptre. Pietro looks to us confused.

"We're just going to let him take it?" he questions us. I keep my eyes on Stark and hold up my index finger, waiting. We watch as Stark put his hand out and walks closer to the sceptre. A metal hand from his suit comes flying in and hugs his arm tightly before he swiped it through the electricity that held the sceptre in place, and pulls it out.

A grin slowly turns into a smile on Wanda's face.

Our plan going accordingly.

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