(7)Which side are you on? part two

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Hiding behind the wall, I take some deep breaths before I see Pietro holding onto Thor's flying hammer. He flies through the air with it and lands in a pile of containers. I leave my hiding spot and push myself off the floor with my magic, flying towards him and landing next to him.

"Are you kidding me? What did you think was going to happen?" I say, offering him my hand. He rolls his eyes before reluctantly accepting. I pull him up, and he shrugs his shoulders before running away again.

"Dumbass." I whisper as he leaves. Before I can get anywhere I turn to see Steve marching towards me.

"Stay down, kid." He says to me. I look him in the eyes, debating if I should listen when I heard Ultron's spine-chilling voice.

"Time for some mind games." It says as it flies over us.

Steve takes a step back and turns around, facing his back towards me.

"Thor, status?" He says looking at the upper level of the building.

"The girl tried to warp my mind. Take special care, I doubt a human could keep them at bay. Fortunately, I am mighty..." He says, his words breaking off near the end.

As Steve listens, Pietro speeds up to him, pushing him into a stair case. I follow up behind him. While Steve is down, I kneel next to him and put my hand up to his head allowing magic to escape my fingertips.

He squints his eyes and turns his head away, clenching his teeth. I stand up, my hand going down by my side.

"Sorry, but I've got a job to do." I say to him, taking a step back and turning on my heel to face Pietro. We then speed away looking for the other Avengers.

As Wanda has taken care of Thor and the red headed woman, who I found out was called Natasha, that only left Clint; The man with the arrows. And Dr. Banner; the green monster otherwise known as The Hulk.

Wanda and I approach Clint from either side. I'm a few feet behind her, and he's distracted by the workers on the ship. Right before Wanda can access his mind, he whips around and smashes a taser arrow onto her forehead. I gasp and hit my back to the nearest wall. As he reaches for the arrow on her forehead I step out from behind the wall and blast a force of energy into his chest, throwing him through a window. At that moment Pietro appears and takes Wanda away.

I hide once again. My chest rises and falls so fast it feels like my heart may actually burst through my rib cage.

Holy shit. Why is this even happening? I've seen the things that the Avengers have done, they weren't all like what happened to us.

Clint's voice breaks my train of thought as I hear him speak into his intercom.

"Whoever's standing, we gotta move." He says but there's no response.

After a moment of silence he speaks again.


I pinch my eyes closed and silently hit my head back against the wall. I know what my gut is telling me to do, but I have no idea what the outcome will be in the long run.

I come out to face him. His eyes widen at the sight of me. He reaches for an arrow and points it towards me. I put my hands up in surrender.

"I'm not going to hurt you." I say to him.

"No?" He says. "And how do I know that?" He asks.

"You don't. But I know that your friends will not be answering you any time soon." I reply lowering my hands as I can see him start to ease up.

"Their minds are warped." I swallow. "I'm sorry but your team is down. I can help." I try to reassure him.

"Why should I believe you?" He responds.

"It's wise of you to question me. But the more time you spend doing so means we have less time to get your team back." I state. He lets out a sigh before completely lowering his weapon and nodding.

We make our way to each of the Avengers. First is Natasha. We find her sitting on a staircase completely in a trance. I calmly sit down next to her as Clint takes her hand.

I raise my hand to her head and release magic through my fingertips. Her glowing eyes fade back to their normal shade as she blinks away the visions she saw.

The next person we find is Steve, still in the same spot I had left him. This time I kneel down next to him as Natasha and Clint stand behind me. As I reverse the mind control I set earlier, his gaze changes from looking into space to looking at me. I back away as he comes out of my compulsion. He shakes his head and takes in a breath.

He stands up and looks around, making sure this was real. He then turns to face me, staring at me.

"Changed your mind?" He asks me.

I reply with a shrug, and glance at Clint.

"You alright?" Clint asks and pats him on the back. Steve nods and we keep going.

Finally we make our way to Thor. He stands in a dark and open room. I keep walking towards him until we're less than two feet apart.

"Can someone keep an eye on that hammer? I don't want it to come flying at me when I do this." I say to them.

Steve nods and stands next to him with one hand on his muscly arm.

As I reverse the mind control once again, Thor blinks several times, being able to see clearly again. His eyes meet me as I stand next to him. And he quickly tries to raise his hammer to hit me with it. I jumped back as Steve stops him.

"Thor- hey, it's okay. It's okay. She helped us." He quickly assures him. Thor looks between Steve and I.

He takes a couple breaths before looking at me again. Looking me up and down with an angry expression. I bring my eyes down to the ground and back up with a straight face, fidgeting with the rings all over my finger.

"What is she? 16?" He scoffs while turning his eyes back to Steve.

I raise my brow and tilt my head slightly to the side. An instant wave of frustration crashes over me.

"Fourteen." I snap back. "Fifteen pretty soon" I say with a shrug. Thor clenches his jaw and walks off to Natasha and Clint.

I turn around to leave. I assume they don't want me around them unless I need to be and I don't really have anything to say to them now.

"Hey." Clint calls.

I turn back to face them all.

"Thank you." Clint nods at me. I return it before speeding off to find my siblings, and never tell them what I'd done here.

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