(4)The Victory Party

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No Perspective

Music plays as guests dance and chat whilst sipping champagne and cocktails. Thor sits with old war veterans telling stories about his battles while Sam and Steve play a game of pool.

Later, Rhodes makes an attempt to show off a WarMachine story to Agent Hill, Tony and Thor, however fails miserably. The group begins to chat about Pepper and Jane, leading Thor And Tony to have their bicker about who's better.

"Yeah, they must be busy because who would hate missing you guys get together." Hill smiles before adding in a slight jab at the boys. "Testosterone." She lets out through a fake cough. "Excuse me, my apologies" she jokes.

"Need some water?" Rhodes asks as the two begin to step away.

"A lozenge, maybe?" Maria adds.

• • •

Later that evening Bruce and Natasha chat at the bar while she pours him a cherry red drink. They exchange flirty comments before being interrupted by Steve. After Natasha walked away, Steve began a conversation with Bruce.

"It's nice." Steve states with a smirk on his face.

"W-what is?" Bruce stutters looking at Steve leaning against the bar.

"You and Romanoff." He says. "She's not the most open person in the world. But with you she seems very relaxed." He explains while Bruce brings his gaze to the floor.

"No. Natasha, she's just... She likes to flirt."

"I've seen her flirt... up close. This ain't that." Steve says, brushing past Bruce.

Bruce's expression forms into a bit of a grin before he actually takes into account what Steve said.

"Wait- what do you mean up close?"

Y/n Maximoff

While I flew through Manhattan I finally spot the Avengers Facility I've heard about. I spy through the large windows and spot Tony, and some of the teammates I had seen when I warped Tony's mind earlier. As they sit around a coffee table, it looks as though they're each taking turns trying to lift the big hammer I saw in Tony's vision. But none of them manage to do so except for the man with the long hair.

"Yes, that is a very, very interesting theory. I have a simpler one." He says, leaning down and picking up the hammer from the table, then flipping it in is hand. "You're not worthy." He says, making the rest of the team groan and chuckle.

However they're soon interrupted by a piercingly high pitch, making them squint and hold the sides of their heads. I myself even wince at the sound.

"Worthy," A creepy electronic voice speaks as an old beaten up bot of Stark's walks into the room. My wide eyes glowing red as I try to read the source.

The team all watches from the balcony-lounge they're in. Brows furrowed and over-all confused.

"How could you be worthy? You're all killers." The machine gestures to them with a pointed finger.

"Stark." Steve speaks up, eyes locked on the machine.

"I'm sorry, I was asleep... Or I was a dream." The bot says again and tilts it's head.

"Reboot Legionnaire OS. We got a buggy suit." Tony mumbles while pushing buttons on a small device in his hand to try and shut it down.

"There was this terrible noise. And I was tangled in... in strings." The bot continues, looking down at the wires dangling off of it's arms. I quickly realize that there are too many worried faces for this to normal.

"I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy." It says .

"You killed someone?" Steve questions while keeping a straight face.

"Wouldn't have been my first call. But, down in the real world, we're faced with ugly choices." The bot says casually.

While I look around the complex, I search for a way to get inside without being destructive. If I return to Wanda and Pietro with so much as a scratch they'll find out I left. 

I spot the long-haired man gripping at the handle on his hammer, and watch as a woman wearing a red dress and black leather jacket stands with a gun in her hand. They're clearly prepared. According to a shorter man with black and grey fluffy hair, the bots name is Ultron.

"Peace in our time." I hear Ultron say as three more newer bots fly through the walls. I gasp as they all seemed to have a course of action, targeting everyone on the team. Yet I still felt as though I should help.

I shut my eyes for a moment and try to think fast. I hear gun shots, blasts from bots, people shouting, glass breaking. Basically everything that can and will distract me from being able to concentrate.

While they fight off the bots, one gets ahold of the sceptre and flies away.

I sneak through a large hole that got blown into the wall and keep my distance watching to see what I can do.

There's a wall that makes a divider from a set of stairs and the lounge they are all fighting in. I stand in the dark on the other side and peak my head out, when I see the feet of someone hiding behind a piano.

I notice the young Korean woman sliding farther behind the piano, surrounded by shattered glass as the upper half of a bot drags itself closer to her. From a distance, I use my magic to grasp ahold of the bot and slam it into a wall.

I guess that eliminates my element of surprise. The young woman looks over at me in shock, my eyes glowing red as I quickly hide behind the wall again.

"Shit." I whisper to myself.

I then watch as the man with the shield swings it so hard that it cut the last bot clear in half.

"That was dramatic" Ultron says. Everyone trying to catch their breath from the sudden outburst causes a symphony of huffs to surround the room as they help each other off the ground and face the bot again.

"There is only one path to peace; The Avengers extinction." Ultron states right before the long-haired man launches the hammer at the metal body, crushing it into a wall.

"I had strings, but now I'm free." Ultron says in a singing voice. The words creep up my spine like a chilled breeze, shooting signals to my brain for me to leave. So I do. I disappear out of the way I came, and I begin to make my way back to Wanda and Pietro.

• • •

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