(6)Which side are you on? part one

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My siblings and I are sent on a mission to a salvage yard surrounded by ships and mud. We are to speak with a man named Ulysses Klaue.

"Now, where were we?" He says on a phone call.

Wanda and I kill the power of his ship, grasping his attention. Her eye makeup is dark and her hair is tied in a high ponytail. My eyes look much like hers, and my hair is half-up with braids all throughout it.

The phone call disconnects and he looks around at the flickering emergency lights that dimly show the room.

He takes hold of his gun and points it in the doorway leading to a pitch black hallway where we were hiding. As he pulls the trigger, Pietro speeds in taking the bullet mid-air and grabbing the weapon out of his hands, leaving his signature blue mist streak behind him. Wanda and I step in the room after him.

"The Enhanced." Klaue says looking at us. "Strucker's prized pupils." He adds with a smile on his face.

Klaue takes a seat on his rickety old stool. He then picks up a black glass bowl of sweets and raises it to us.

"Do you want a candy? Hmm?" He shakes the candy bowl. We stare at him silently. I try to read him but I think my nerves were making it harder. He takes our silence as a no and puts the bowl back on his desk.

"I was sorry to hear about Strucker. But then, he knew what kind of world he was helping create; Human life. Not a growth market." He chuckles.

The three of us stay silent. I'm not quite sure what to do next.

"Is this your first time intimidating someone?" He asks, specifically looking at myself and Wanda. My brows furrow as I glance at Pietro who stands there with his arms crossed.

"I'm afraid, I'm not that afraid." Kaule shrugs.

"Everybody is afraid of something." Wanda states while stepping closer to him.

"Cuttle fish." He says pointing at her. "Deep sea fish. They make lights, disco lights... to hypnotize their prey, and then snatches them up." He rambles.

"I saw a documentary. It was terrifying." He continues. Pietro flashes to the desk, grabs a candy out of the dish he'd previously offered us, and flashes back to his previous spot. He then pops it in his mouth, casually staring back at Kaule and crossing his arms again.

Klaue seems very caught off guard at first, his mouth hangs slightly open and he stares at Pietro. He then turns his head back to face Wanda and I.

"So, if you're going to fiddle with my brain and make me see a giant cuttle fish, then I know you don't do business. And I know you're not in charge." He speaks again. I could see Wanda growing angry at the misogyny.

"And I only deal with the man in charge." He says as he stands from his seat and takes a step towards Pietro.

Little did he know Ultron is standing right behind him on the other side of the glass window that looks over the workers on the floor below.

"You might wish you hadn't said that." I pipe up.

As the words left my mouth Ultron beats in the glass and throws Kaule out of the room.

"There is no man in charge." Ultron states. "Let's talk business." He says standing over Klaue's body.

•   •   •

Klaue gives us his stock of vibranium in exchange for the only thing he cares about; Millions of dollars.

I completely tune out of the conversation, there's something about the vibrations of the building that shifts and it occupies my mind strong than any conversation can.

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