(9)Safe House

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Clint brings the team to his home where they meet his wife; Laura, and his two kids. Shortly after they arrive Thor takes off in attempt to find answers relating to what he'd seen in his vision.

Steve and Tony go out to the front yard to chop up some fire wood in exchange for Clint letting them stay in his home. Although it hasn't been brought up, Steve is still thinking about Y/n and her siblings. Trying to think of what the team's next move should be.

"Thor didn't say where he was going for answers?" Tony asks him after splitting a short log of wood in half.

"Sometimes my teammates don't tell me things." He replies smuggly. "I was kind of hoping Thor would be the exception."

"Yeah, give him time. We don't know what the Maximoff kids showed him." Tony says before gathering more logs from a pile that stand nearby.

"'Earths mightiest heroes.'" Steve quotes. "Those girls pulled us apart like cotton candy." He says and chops a log with an axe.

"Seems like you walked away alright." Tony says, somewhat questioning him.

"Probably because the youngest pulled me out." Steve fires back, leaving Tony's face somewhat annoyed.

"You know Ultron is trying to tear us apart, right?" Tony says, splitting another log of wood.

"Well, I guess you'd know." Steve says back. "Whether you'd tell us is a bit of a question."

"Banner and I were doing research." Tony shoots at Steve taking a step closer to him.

"That would affect the team."

"That would end the team." Tony corrects him. "Isn't that the mission? Isn't that the 'why we fight'? So we can end the fight? So we get to go home!" He shouts before getting interrupted by Steve aggressively tearing apart a piece of wood with his bare hands. Steve stands in front of Tony with his brows furrowed and his jaw slightly clenched.

"Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts, innocent people die. Every time." Steve says sternly.

"I suppose you believe the kid is one of those innocent people?" Tony scoffs.

"I know she is." Steve claps back at him. "This girl is 14 years old and she's been fighting her whole life. She didn't grow up with parents, instead she was raised by her brother and sister who have something to be mad about." He says, raising his voice before then being interrupted by Laura asking for Tony's help in the barn.

"Mr. Stark?" Laura approaches them. "Clint said you wouldn't mind, but our tractor doesn't seem to want to start at all." She says with a small chuckle towards the end in attempt to lighten the tension between the two men.

"Yeah, I'll take a crack at it." Tony says. He looks at Steve and drops his axe. "Don't take from my pile." He says.

"Think about that." Steve says as Tony walks away with Laura.


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