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{{{A/N : guys this chapter is gonna be hell leangthy ... bear with me....and ....happy reading...}}}

my zhan ge.....

he was my GUARDIAN.... he still is...

when ever i was so in  hell  -  mood off  -   coz of trivial's - like gossips and badmouthing from our  surrounding's , saying " im not a lucky boy. and those gossipers blamed me and my bad luck for being abundant by my parents that i had to stay with my nanna now alone  , and they insisted their children's to stop mingle or  play along  me " all that hurt me like hell , i was still growing and was just a little  kid back then , yet those harsh words had no mercy over this poor soul , they just needed a specimen to experiment  all their devilish gossips on... only god know what else they were spiting out  with those venomous lips , even without knowing the real truth or the situation happening around - their lips still spread gossips which lack veins within ,

but my zhan ge made it crystal clear to me... gossips have no values in our life....the only thing he repeatedly says is " we know our yibo ... and ...thats enough..."

but , when  first my zhan ge come to know about it, he  definitely fought with  them saying " your tongues are all spineless to spit out such venom non stoppingly and have no rights to talk about his lil'devil. "

well nana's would also march along with zhan ge to split those venomous tongues into two parts, but zhan ge being zhan ge ... he know what is the limit...

he knows it clearly

- if we respond to a barking dog with same vigor , we are no different than those stray dogs... -

so ge always stops nanna from turning into a dog...well they will be much more deadly ferocious than any dog at such situation coz those ill words were splashed  over their precious grand sons heart ... and it hurt him...


trivia's are never ending sagas....

after dealing with those gigantic devils , zhan ge would come back running to his lil' devil  - .

...to ME......

he would do anything and everything to make me alright , he would sneak me out the home at mid night to have a 

sky watch....


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