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but one day , same like everyday..... zhan made nanna to eat and take up her dinner and med's   in her room and made her to  rest. and he was about to sat over the dining table to have his dinner all alone again but to his shock bo came in .

really zhan was shocked looking at his piggy ,

really zhan was shocked looking at his piggy ,

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 but soon he composed himself to normal.... that zhan didn't show any commotion.

zhan face showed no reactions nor any emotions anymore

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zhan face showed no reactions nor any emotions anymore..... 

3rd person pov...... 

as -  like always ( since bo's nanna passed away) bo stopped eating with zhan ,  so zhan thought today will also be the same ,  as even when zhan kept bo's packed lunch over their shared dining table everyday  .... even when bo and zhan both of them  know's  it - zhan has been waiting for bo to have breakfast together (everyday)  .... even though bo always run away still bo knows - zhan every single day wait  for him at the dining table with 2 plates of served breakfast and his packed lunch . but like always bo comes down the stairs and just walks out not even glancing zhan for an single instance - shattering zhan hope every single time.... (everyday) 

and the same goes at dinner too.... there  were days bo don't even turn back home nor inform zhan , zhan was the one who called up bo's friends  so as  to ask them  about his where about's . only when zhan will be justified to his own self  that his yibo is safe and good..... only then zhan will be able to even fall asleep.... (everyday)

it has turned into a routine that zhan has started to accept it all without even a single word of oppose....but still zhan cooks 3portion of food  (everyday ) as nanna is home now.

but since nanna has got back home.... bo has changed  a bit - no more night houling but he comes back home everyday .....yet ,  he still stay away from zhan as distant as possible. so zhan thought today will also be the same like everyday.... like bo wont come....even if he come he will just neglects zhan and more just walks away hurting zhan again .....

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